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Q: How much water will flow through a 1.5 inch firehose at 50psi?
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How many gallons will flow through a 12 inch pipe at 50psi?

That depends entirely on the viscosity of the liquid in the pipe ! Water would flow faster than oil !

What is through flow in the water cycle?

through flow is when infiltrated water moves through soil to the sea.

What is the difference between throughflow and groundwater flow?

Through flow is the horizontal movement of water through the soil zone. Groundwater flow is the movement of water through the bedrock, which is typically an aquifer

What regulates the flow of water through a cell membranes?

concentration of water A concentration of solutes regulates the flow of water through a cell membrane.

What layer of rock that ground water cannot flow through?

Bed rock is the layer of rock through which ground water cannot flow.

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What is an opening through which air or water can flow?

An opening through which air or water can flow is a mouth. This can refer to the mouth of a river or a person or animal's mouth.

What is a layer of rock that allow water to flow through?

A porous and permeable rock will allow water to pass through. Rocks layers that allow the flow of water may be described as an aquifer.

When does a drip become a flow of water?

A drip becomes a flow of water when the handle is turned. Turning a faucet handle will open the spout and allow more water to flow through.

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