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About 10 nanograms per milliliter of urine. Most urine tests cut off at 20 nanograms per milliliter, so two hits that you don't hold in would probably be fine. One is definitely fine. I had probation and I looked into it a while back.

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Probably a week if you havent smoked prior and as long as you pee a lot and exercise and drink lots of water.

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Q: How long does one hit of high grade marijuana stay in your system?
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How long would it take for THC to get out of your system if you were smoking high grade marijuana?

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If you smoke Marijuana twice Once while you were drunk and you believe you got high and another time sober and you did not get high how long will it take to get out of your system?

Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days.

How long does marijuana stay in your s?

marijuana stays in your system for 30 days. a high from maryjane usually last 5-6 hours

How long would it take for marijuana to leave my system i weigh 95 pounds and have high metabolism?

At a weight of 95 pounds and a high metabolism, marijuana would probably remain in your system for at least 30 days. Regardless of your weight or metabolism, marijuana stays in most people's body for 30 days or longer.

How long does it take marijuana with high THC levels to be out of your system?

THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, but this can vary depending on factors such as metabolism and frequency of use. In general, it can take a few weeks to a month for marijuana with high THC levels to be fully cleared from your system.

What are the side effects of smoking serenity now?

From personal experience it was almost as Euphoric as a High grade Marijuana high. But it made me dizzy and uneasy and i was couchlocked for about 30 minites before it wore off. In the long run, not worth it. Too expensive, Doesnt last long enough, Bad side effects. And it can kill you. Stick to Marijuana Cheers.

How long until marijuana is in your system?

About 1 month.

How long does marijuana stay in a toddlers system?

for about a hour

How long does the high of marijuana and what are its stages?

Stoned, High, blazed baked, STICHED

How long does marijuana with pcp in it stay in your system?

It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

How long does it take for one hitter of marijuana to get out of your system?

About a month