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Do you mean "how MANY words were in the final constitution"?

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Final interpreters of the constitution?

According to the US Constitution itself, the United States Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the Constitution. The Court's decisions are final and are seldom changed.

Who wrote the the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States?

This paragraph is considered to be the work of Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania, who was responsible for much of the final stylistic arranging and editing of the Constitution.

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When was the constitution singned?

The final signatory to the US Constitution was June 21st 1788.

What is the synonym for final words?

last words final words dying words

How long is Texas constitution?

old Texas Constitution 68,000 words, new Constitution count 80,806 words

How many words are in the 2nd article of the constitution?

1021 which is 22% of the words in the constitution

What was the final section of the constitution?

The final section of the US Constitution is the Twenty-seventh Amendment. It prohibits a pay increase or decrease for Congress until the start of the next term.

Who has the final say in the constitution's meaning?

The supreme court

Who did the final writing of the constitution?

the actual answer is Gouverneur Morris

Who wrote the final copy of the constitution?

george washington

What final state ratified the constitution?

New Hampshire