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Q: How o kill moss on soil?
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What role does moss play in the development of soil?

Moss breaks up the soil and then it decomposes and fertilizes the soil

Does moss grow in acid soil or alkaline soil?

Moss grow in all sorts of places they grow in soil that you use to just plant flowers with but smooth soil

Do moss roots anchor moss to the soil and absorb water?

No! They do not. It is SPHAGNUM.

Is soil acidic if it contains a great deal of moss?

Mosses prefer acidic soil environments, so the presence of a lot of moss may indicate that the soil is more acidic. However, other factors such as organic matter content and drainage also influence soil acidity. A soil test is the best way to determine the actual pH level of the soil.

How is moss used?

in plants and soil

Why is Sphagnum moss added to garden soil?

Sphagnum moss is added to garden soil because it helps the plants in the garden grow.

What soil makes the best garden?

peat moss, or peat soil

When was Horace O. Moss House created?

Horace O. Moss House was created in 1831.

Can a plant grow through moss?

The moss itself does not effect plant growth directly. But, moss grows in soil with low pH, and the moss will hold water in the soil which is USUALLY good. Moss grows in soil that is shady, wet, and doesn't have good drainage, so areation would help along with a dose of lime. Follow the link below for more detailed info. Hope this helps, Kevlarster

Can you put soil over moss and plant grass seed?

Unfortunately, usually this is not the case. Moss usually grows in areas where grass doesn't grow, due to the soil conditions. By simply putting proper soil over the moss will not solve that problem.

How is peat moss used?

in plants and soil

Does moss kill plants?
