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their are many prey of the kangaroo rat

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8y ago

they do not catch there prey

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Q: How often does a kangaroo rat catch its prey?
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How does a kangaroo rat catch its prey?

they do not catch there prey

What is a kangaroo rat prey?

They prey on unsuspecting seeds and grains. They are stealthy and rarely miss their prey. If you are a seed or a grain, you will rue the day you encounter this viciously effective predator

Is a giant kangaroo rat a predator or prey?

Although the name makes it sound like a large animal, the giant kangaroo rat is very small. It is preyed upon by larger mammals, such as kit fox and coyote.

How does the kangaroo rat get it food?

it gets its food by sneaking up on its prey kind of like a cheetah

Is a kangaroo more of a predator than a prey?

No. The vast majority of kangaroo species are herbivores, and are thus prey to other species. They are not predators, except for a few of the smaller rat-kangaroo species which are omnivores and feed on insect larvae, among other things.

What are the predators and prey of the giant kangaroo rat?

predator is the alligator and bigger birds, also the prey would have to be the field mice and smaller insects and mammals..

What is a kangaroo's prey?

As larger kangaroos are herbivores they don't hunt, therefore have no prey. Smaller species of kangaroos such as musky rat-kangaroos prey on small invertebrates such as earthworms and grasshoppers.

Is the kangaroo rat endangered?

yes the kangaroo rat is endangered

What does a kangaroo eat for prey?

Answer: As larger kangaroos are herbivores they don't hunt, therefore have no prey. Smaller species of kangaroos such as musky rat-kangaroos prey on small invertebrates such as earthworms and grasshoppers.

Is the kangaroo rat of North America a pouched mammal?

No. The kangaroo rat is not a pouched mammal, or marsupial. The kangaroo rat is completely unrelated to the marsupil known as the kangaroo; nor is it related to the rat-kangaroo, the smaller species of kngaroos.

How tall is the smallest rat kangaroo?

The smallest rat-kangaroo is the Musky rat-kangaroo, which measures from 15 - 27 cm in length.

What is the scientific name for rat kangaroos?

There are many different species of rat kangaroo, so the scientific name is different for each species. For example;The scientific name for the musky rat kangaroo, the smallest of all kangaroo species, is Hypsiprymnodon moschatus.The scientific name for the rufous rat-kangaroo is Aepyprymnus rufescens.The Desert rat kangaroo, or Buff-nosed rat kangaroo is Caloprymnus campestris.The Brush-tailed rat kangaroo is Bettongia penicillata.