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It happens in every election.

The amount is so small and all serious fraud is caught and prosecuted.

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Q: How widespread is voter fraud?
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Related questions

What is the crime of voter fraud called?

That's what it is called - Voter Fraud.

Why is an Obamunist the US president?

widespread voter fraud and a lot of uneducated or outright stupid lazy people wanting free stuff.

How does voter registration stop voter fraud?

Voter registration stops fraud by making sure that you have the required identification to prove that you are who you say you are.

What can you do as a volunteer to prevent voter fraud?

sew them

Can you vote in two states?

No. That is voter fraud.

What is an example of voter fraud?

george w bush's second term in office

How many votes for president that Barack Obama received in 2012 were legal?

All of them. It is a myth, sometimes heard on partisan talk shows or published on anti-Obama websites, that Mr. Obama "cheated" or that there were widespread examples of voter fraud. Repeated examinations of the vote by neutral organizations found no fraud and no cheating. But it should be noted that throughout history, whenever a candidate wins a hotly contested election, the losing side often claims there was dishonesty or voter fraud. Similar claims were made when President Bush and President Clinton got elected.

Allegations of voter fraud in the 1960 presidential election occured in which two states?

lllinois and Texas

Which category of potential election problems does the passage describe?

If you got this passage the answer is Voting technology. Votes in one of the state's largest counties have come into question after voting machines malfunctioned, according to state elections spokesman Doug Brewster. Brewster says that the state has been trying to budget funds to upgrade the machines, but the state legislature has so far refused to approve the funding.

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"Border Ruffians" were residents from nearby Missouri who entered the Territory of Kansas and utilized voter fraud to sway the vote in the 1854 elections in favor of pro-slavery candidate.

Heavyweight new york political boss whose widespread fraud landed him in jail in 1871?

Boss Tweed

Who was the Heavyweight new york political boss whose widespread fraud landed him in jail in 1871?

Boss Tweed