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When a person is considered to be in their early childhood, they may be talking from ages 5 and younger. However, different people will have a different idea of when an early childhood begins. However, teenage years are now considered to begin when a person reaches 12 years old.

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Q: How old are you in when you are in your early adulthood?
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Late adulthood can be classified into three stages: early late adulthood (60-75 years old), middle late adulthood (75-85 years old), and advanced late adulthood (85 years and older). Each stage is characterized by different physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes as individuals age.

What age is considered early adulthood?

Early adulthood is typically considered to span from around 20 to 40 years old, encompassing the period between adolescence and middle age. This is a time when individuals establish their independence, pursue educational and career goals, form long-lasting relationships, and navigate various life transitions.

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Type your answer here... multidirectional.

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No, early adulthood and adolescence refer to different life stages. Adolescence typically covers the teenage years, while early adulthood encompasses the period from around ages 18 to 30. During adolescence, individuals experience significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes, while early adulthood is marked by further development of independence and identity.

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early childhood has five stages : > early childhood ( birth to about five years) > Middle Childhood ( six to eleven years) > adolescence (twelve to eighteen years old ) >adulthood ( nineteen to seventy years ) >old age

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