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Q: How old is albert Einstein now in the year 2008?
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Where did Albert Einstein go?

Albert Einstein is dead now.

What happened during Albert Einstein's third year of classes at the Polytechnic?

he has now about to speaking

How old is albert Einstein now in the year 2011?

He will turn 132 on March 14, 2011.

How is life different because of Albert Einstein?

Life is different from Albert Einstein because now whenever we see a smart person, we call him einstein.

What is Albert Einstein's alma mater?

Luitpold Gymnasium (Now renamed Albert Einstein Gymnasium) ETH Zurich University of Zurich

Was Albert Einstein recognized for what he did?

Yes he very well was. Albert Einstein is known now as the father of electricity because of his achievements . :D hope it helps

How old was albert Einstein when he invented the refrigerator?

All I now is it was in 1926

Was Albert Einstein a nonconformist and if he was why?

Yes, Albert Einstein was considered a nonconformist because he challenged traditional beliefs and norms in the scientific community with his theories, such as the theory of relativity. He was known for his independent thinking and willingness to question established ideas, which set him apart from his contemporaries.

What colleges did Einstein go to?

he went to a college in wales witch is now called the albert Einstein iniversity of wales.

Where was Albert Einstein when he invented his first invention?

Albert Einstein was in his lab when he invented his first invention. Apparently, his first invention was not quite a success, so that is why his hairstyle is like this now.

How is Albert Einstein invention useful to us?

E=mc2 which are useful now in the battlegrounds

How many wives does Albert Einstein have?

He used to have two ... one after the other ... but has none now.