

How old is tane mahuta?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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2,000 years old

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13521.1 cm

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Q: How old is tane mahuta?
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Related questions

How big is Tane Mahuta?

500m tall

What does Tane Mahuta mean in English?

we rock!

How did tane mahuta get its name?

Well, Tane is attributed with many qualities that make him the god of many things and not only the forest and he has many names which commerate different deeds. However, the question refers to Tane Mahuta. Tane-Mahuta literally means Tane-the-riser (he who makes things rise such as trees rising out of the ground) therefore in this sense he is the god of the forest. The naming of the large Kauri with that of Tane-Mahuta is mainly due to the fact that it is the largest tree in NZ and therefore it would be right to name it after the god of the forest.

Is tane mahuta the biggest tree in new zealand?


Is Tane Mahuta the tallest tree in the whole wide world?

no, its not its actually the Australian eucalyptus.

What is the maori god of the forest called?

The Maori god of the forest: Tanemahuta or Tane Mahuta.

What are the names of ranginui and papatuanuku?

Tumatav Tawhirimata Tane mahuta Tangaroa Rong a matane Haumietiketike

What is the name of New Zealands largest Kauri?

Thought to be Tāne Mahuta in New Zealands Northland. It is thought to be 1500-2500 years old and has a 14 meter circumference.

Whats the oldest tree that ever lived?

The oldest tree that ever lived is believed to be a Bristlecone pine tree named Methuselah, which is approximately 4,848 years old. It is located in the White Mountains of California, USA.

One of new zealands largest native tree?

The kauri an evergreen native to New Zealand is the largest tree on the isle. The largest specimen is named Tane Mahuta located in Waipahu forest.

Who are the maori gods?

some of the maori gods are: tawhirimatea the god of wind and storms, tane mahuta the god of forest and birds, papatuanuku the god of mother earth, tangaroa the god of sea rivers and lakes, rongo god of peace.

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