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She was around 50.

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Q: How old was Martha Corey during the Salem witch trials in 1692?
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Who is on trial when Giles Corey interrupts the court?

Martha Corey is on trial. She was put on trial in Salem, Massachusetts as part of the infamous Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s.

Why has Martha Corey been accused?

Mr. Walcott, a village man, accuses Martha Corey over a dispute about Martha not paying him back for pig that she sold him that died.

What were the names of the two people who were pressed to death during the Salem witch trials in 1692?

There was only ONE person pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials. His name was Giles Corey.

Who was Martha Corey Salem witch trials?

Martha Corey was one of the first of the accused that wasn't a sort of outsider. She was a loved, respected "Gospel Woman." She adamently spoke against the accusations believing it to be a complete fabrication.

Who was the oldest person to die During the Salem Witch Trials?

Giles Corey, who was around 80.

Was john hale at Giles Corey's Questioning during the Salem witch trials?

Hale did most lilkely attend the examination of Giles Corey. He was invovled in the trials from the beginning stages.

By the end of the crucibles giles Corey has been what?

Giles Corey is crushed by rocks due to a judicial order during the Salem Witch Trials.

When did giles Corey die?

Giles Corey was one of the six men executed during the Salem Witch trials 18th September 1692

Who was involved in the Salem witch trials and who most to blame for the witch hysteria and the subsequent death of innocent people?

Martha Corey, elisabeth protor, john proctor, giles Corey, Sarah good, Sarah osburne,

Did anyone oppose the Salem witchcraft trials?

Yes. Some prominent men in Boston, a group in Salem, John Hale (eventually), and, among the accused,: Martha Corey, Sarah Cloyse, George Jacobs and John Proctor.

What were the 3 famous witches that were excutedin the Salem witch trials?

There were actually twenty executed, but the three most famous would probably be John Proctor, Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse.

How old was Giles Corey at the time of the Salem Witch trials?

Around 80