

How reactive is boron?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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It is often a mistake to ask how reactive a compound is, different chemicals react differently when reacting depending on the other reagents and conditions etc.

But with that off my chest, I'll assume that you mean how reactive boron is in ambient conditions and the answer is not very. Most of its alleotrops are stable and it does not react violently with water or air so no BOOM or flames. It is slightly flammable but no overly needing a good ignition source.

It however is capable of some very interesting chemistry. It has 3 valent electrons and it is electron poor, and so was be used to dope silicon for p-type material. It can be used to make a reducing reagent AND an oxidant. Its borane compounds vary widely in structure with many hydrogen bridges which can be used to power rockets etc the list goes on, interesting I swear.

I'm typing all this while listening to an interesting jazz vocalist take a listen if you'd like, she's good.

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