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By teaching the people the word of

God from house-to-house

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Religion can provide individuals with a moral framework and values that guide their actions towards responsible behavior. It promotes concepts like compassion, forgiveness, and honesty, which can contribute to a more ethical and upright society. Additionally, religious teachings often emphasize the importance of contributing to the greater good and caring for others, fostering a sense of social responsibility among believers.

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Q: How religion could contribute to the development of a responsible and morally upright people in society?
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Which abolitionist argument is most rooted in religion?

The argument that slavery is morally wrong because all individuals are equal in the eyes of God and have inherent human dignity is most rooted in religion. This perspective emphasizes the belief that all people are created in the image of God and are entitled to freedom and basic human rights.

Who was an individuals who used religion as an argument against slave labor?

One individual who used religion as an argument against slave labor was Frederick Douglass, an African American abolitionist and former slave. He argued that the principles of Christianity condemned the institution of slavery and that it was morally wrong to enslave other human beings. Douglass believed that true Christian values promoted equality and justice for all individuals.

What did the religion tell its followers to do?

Religions vary in their teachings and beliefs. Generally, religions encourage followers to live morally, practice compassion, worship, and seek spiritual growth. They often promote community, giving to others, and following specific rituals and practices.

What is morally blind?

Being morally blind refers to the inability or unwillingness to perceive or understand ethical issues or make morally sound decisions. It can result from a lack of empathy, disregard for ethical norms, or a failure to consider the impact of one's actions on others.

Whats the definition of rightous?

"Righteous" typically refers to someone who is morally upright, virtuous, or just. It can also refer to actions or behavior that align with moral principles or ethical standards.

Related questions

How religion contribute to the development of a responsible and morally upright people in society?

it creates unity among the people

How does religion contribute to development of a responsible and morally upright people in society?

It is unknown if religion builds up organization and values in society or if it is just common in all societies. However, we do know that preexisting societies have become nonreligious and still remain organized

Under what conditions can a human being are held morally responsible according to aquinas?

Under what conditions can a human being held morally responsible?

Are gun makers morally responsible for the death caused by the use of those guns?

No more than the maker of a car being morally responsible for deaths caused by drunk drivers.

Why does man needs morally or ethically responsible?

Humans need to be morally or ethically responsible to maintain social order, promote empathy and compassion, and ensure the well-being of themselves and others. Being morally responsible helps individuals navigate complex situations ethically and make decisions that uphold values and principles that benefit society as a whole.

Are the gun makers morally responsible for death by the gun they made?

Only when makers of spoons are morally responsible for people that have heart attacks from being overweight. Axe makers are not responsible for a murderer killing someone with an axe. Oil companies are not responsible for the arsonist that uses gasoline to start a fire.

What are the responsibility of state to produce a morally responsible citizen in individualistic view?

E smart

At what age does a child become morally responsible for his actions?

now adays kids of 13 and 14 are also not responsible for their actions from 15 kids start to become responsible.

Are gun manufacturers or gundealers ever morally responsible for feath caused by gun?

Not if it was a legal sale.

Is it morally wrong to breed?

Whether breeding is morally wrong or not depends on the specific context and ethical considerations involved. Some argue that responsible breeding can contribute to healthier, well-cared-for animals, while others believe that breeding perpetuates overpopulation and contributes to unethical practices such as puppy mills. It is important to consider the welfare and rights of the animals involved when making decisions about breeding.

If a parent dies are the children responsible for the funeral costs if the parent had nothing?

Morally and ethically yes, but not legally.

Are criminals held morally responsible for their actions?

Yes, criminals are generally held morally responsible for their actions as they are considered to have knowingly engaged in behavior that violates societal norms and laws. This accountability serves as the basis for our criminal justice system and the assigning of punishment or rehabilitation measures as deemed appropriate.