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rumours affect us in many ways.First thing is they make afre3

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Q: How rumors affect people?
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How do rumors affect your behavior?

Rumors can influence behavior by triggering feelings of anxiety, fear, or uncertainty. People may change their actions or decisions in response to rumors in an effort to protect themselves or their reputation. Rumors can also create a sense of division or mistrust among individuals or groups.

Why do people spred rumors?

People spred romors because they either don't like the person, they're just mean, or they just like spreading rumors.

What is the term use for people starting rumors?


What is a group of rumors called?

A rumor isn't a group its a saying that might not be true or true. People sometimes get in groups in spread rumors.

How does gossip affect communication?

People who gossip behind others have a decrease in self-esteem. They trust each others less and gossip will ruin you.

Does the moon phase effect the stock market?

No. Those are just rumors, the moon phases do not affect the stock market.

Why do people start rumors?

a lot of people spread rumors that aren't true because they want to feel popular or don't want the attention on themselves or they were bullied when they were young and want to get the stress out.

Are the rumors about the econ job market true?

People will often create rumors about job markets as a deterrent for people applying for these jobs. They are just trying to reduce the competition. If you are concerned about any of the rumors that you have heard then the best place to find out more about this market would be in a financial paper.

Is Louis Tomlinsons dead?

No, there is no evidence that he is dead. Beware of "celebrity death rumors" that are spread on the internet. Most of the time, these rumors are fake, and are just spread by people who don't like a certain band.

What do people spread rumors about people dating when their not?

They spread those rumors to be funny. Normally their not trying to hurt you there just trying to be funny. The same things happens at my school but eventually they will stop doing it to you.

What percent of rumors are true?

well... it depends on what kind of rumor it is people make rumors just to start a fight or maybe they think i would be fun

Did Justin Bieber get stabed?

No! Those are just rumors that people are spreading.