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the only person who can answer this is well, a girl! so here goes. You should really shave in the shower or when you just get out of the shower and your body is still wet. Make sure your have a CLEAN razor and a shaving cream product for women. You apply about half a palm full of shaving cream for each leg and rub so the leg is covered completely from ankle to knee (or ankle to top of thigh, depends how harry you are, but most girls should shave to right below the knee.) you take the razor and stroke upwards starting at the ankle to wherever you want to shave to then rinse the razor off and repeat next to the area you shaved. work your way around the legs and BAM! you have smooth baby soft legs. don't push down when you shave or you will cut yourself, keep the razor light so it is just skimming your leg. YOUR WELCOME!!!

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There are many women who for reasons of personal hygiene or sexual relations, want to groom their genital area at least part of the time. There are essentially two methods of producing hair free genitals, shaving and waxing. The third option, dipilitation is not recommended for this area because of the chemical burns associated with the dipilatory. They even say not to use in this area.

Waxing is the process of literally pulling the pubic hairs out of the skin by means of wax strips applied to the vulva. However, there are many salons who do not do the "inner area", so if one wants that area clean, one must still shave. This type of waxing is called "Brazilian waxing" and is done in a salon. The cost varies, check with your salon for prices. The advantage to waxing is, while it is somewhat painful, the results are clean and the pubic hair does not grow back for one to three months.

For the beginning shaver, there are several considerations. The type of razor is one area of concern. There are a couple of razors that are on the market designed for this particular operation. The Noxema bikini shaver is one brand and the Venus Embrace from Gillette is another. Both razors will do the job, but the consideration is one of comfort and safety. After all, no one wants nicks and cuts in this area. The Noxema razor is very small and has only one blade, while the Embrace razor has three blades and a larger head. If you choose another brand for this operation, it is best to consider the angles that you must shave. It is very different than shaving your legs.

There is also the consideration of shaving cream or gel. Some women prefer gel as it gives a much richer lather, allowing the razor to glide over the skin easier. Others prefer the shaving brush and cake shaving bar. These are available at men's better stores in the shaving accouterments. Still other ladies prefer using a bath wash, claiming that the moisturizing effect is better. The last are the ladies who shave dry, using powder as a medium for removing the hair. Your options are varied.

The first time shaver needs to trim the pubic area with scissors or a trimmer. One razor has an attached trimmer for this operation, but a scissor is just as effective. Once the pubic hair has been reduced to a very short length, it may be shaved easily.

It is best to exfoliate the area before shaving. This give the razor an advantage because it is not scraping down dead skin while eliminating the hair. A good bath puff or small brush will do the job admirably. Do be careful not to go over board! This area shouldn't look like a boiled lobster after this operation, just very slightly pink.

ALWAYS use a new razor head. The possibility of infection is greatly increased when an old razor is used. The possibility of nicks and cuts is increased as well, so if you choose to do this operation, spend the money to get a good razor every time.

Spending time soaking your vulva in a hot bath will soften the pubic hairs and make them easier to remove. Many ladies prefer to have a luxurious bath with oils and other additives just for this purpose. At least ten minutes in the bath relaxing is generally recommended.

Shave in the direction that the hair grows, not against the grain. This will ensure that you do not end up with razor bumps, which are ingrown hairs. At most shave at right angles to the way the hair grows, otherwise the irritation will show up immediately. If you choose not to "go all bare", this is the time to style your hair in the mode you prefer. A stencil or micro trimmer is recommended for this operation.

Shaving the inner labia is a tricky procedure. It seems to be preferred that there be a mirror to see what you are doing. Obviously, this method would demand that you sit on the side of the tub and get a good line of sight for the operation. Go slow, and keep the skin tight in order to avoid cutting yourself.

Now that all the hair is gone, rinse carefully and step out of the bath or shower. The next concern is after shave care. Since there seem to be few products available for the purpose, one occasionally has to improvise. One NOT use any product with alcohol in it! These products will guarantee that you are back in the tub in a flash! Burning sensations in that area are extremely uncomfortable and will destroy any feelings of well being immediately. Cetyl alcohol is listed in the ingredient list, so try to avoid these products.

Some ladies prefer powder. If this is the case, it is best to use a feminine product because it does not contain perfumes which will irritate the area. Baby powder that does not contain talc is another option. Talc products are controversial because of some links to health concerns.

If you use a lotion, be very careful not to use it in the inner area as lotions tend to have alcohol in it. There are very few lotions or creams that do not contain alcohol, so read labels extensively. For antiseptic purposes, a non alcohol mouthwash seems to be safe and non stinging. Be sure to purchase a mouthwash that does not contain added ingredients such as fluoride.

Be aware that this procedure does not eliminate the hair and that it will grow back in 24-48 hours, giving razor stubble. Many women use a hair conditioner to soften the stubble until the next shaving session. It is a matter of personal preference.

One last option is to have your significant other perform the operation for you. This can be a highly erotic experience, especially if the operation is mutual. Your body, your options, your personal preference.

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Yes she can,if she need.

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You should begin when needed. All develop at different rates, so there is no set age.

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No, but they shouldn't have anything to shave at that age.

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