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Q: How small is a robins feet?
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How many worms does a robin eat daily?

baby robins eat 43 feet of worms a day

What kind of birds lay small blue eggs?

Robins lay small blue eggs with little spots.

What organisms will be affected if small insects and crickets and earthworms are killed by pesticides?

Robins are the organisms that would be most affected if pesticides killed crickets, earthworms and small insects. These are the robins' only food sources, so the robins' survival depends on their abundance.

What do scarlet robins eat?

Scarlet robins mainly eat insects. They forage on/near the gorund, and will sometimes forage in small flocks with other small insect-eating birds.

How does a robin's feet look like?

A robin's feet are small and slender, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward. They are usually brownish in color with scales or rough texture for better grip on perches and prey. Robins have relatively strong feet for perching and hopping around on the ground.

What do American robins eggs look like?

Small and light blue in color

Is a robin a small bird?

Yes it is a small bird that has a red chest!

What do juvenile robins eat?

Robins are omnivores. They like raspberries, blackberries, worms, insects, etc.

Is a robin ainsectivore?

Yes. Robins eat grubs and small insects, as well as seeds.

Do robins have more in common with lions or with owls?

owls because owls are birds and so are robins, all the characteristics of a bird would be the same. i don't see any relationship between lions and robins except the obvious like they both have eyes or both have feet.

Can robins fly?

Yes, robins do and can fly.