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Mediocre. The following list gives information on the forces between particles in different states of matter:

Bose-Einstein Condensate: Absent

Solid: Weak

Liquid: Neutral, or mediocre

Gas: Strong

Plasma: Very strong

Absolute Heat Fluid: Infinite

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The force between liquid particles, also known as intermolecular forces, can vary depending on the type of liquid and its properties. Generally, these forces are weaker than those in solids but stronger than in gases. The strength of the force can influence properties such as viscosity, surface tension, and boiling point.

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Q: How strong is the force between liquid particles?
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What has a strong force of attraction between its particles solid liquid or gas?

Solids have a strong force of attraction between its particles, which is why they have a fixed shape and volume. Liquids have a weaker force of attraction compared to solids, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container. Gases have very weak forces of attraction between particles, which is why they can expand to fill the space of their container.

What is the force of attractive force between particles in the nucleus?

The attractive force between particles in the nucleus is known as the strong nuclear force. It is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. This force is extremely strong but acts only over very short distances.

What are force carrier particles?

Force carrier particles are elementary particles that are responsible for mediating the forces between other particles in the Standard Model of particle physics. Examples include photons for electromagnetic force, gluons for strong nuclear force, and W and Z bosons for weak nuclear force. These particles are exchanged between interacting particles to transmit the forces between them.

Are particles stronger when closer?

In quantum mechanics, particles can exhibit behaviors of both particles and waves. In some cases, particles can interact more strongly when they are closer together, leading to effects such as the exchange of virtual particles or the formation of bound states. This behavior is governed by the fundamental forces of nature, like electromagnetism and the strong nuclear force.

What force is responsible fro binding together the red and black particles?

The strong nuclear force is responsible for binding together the red and black particles in a nucleus. This force overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons in the nucleus, keeping the particles tightly bound.

Related questions

What has a strong force of attraction between its particles solid liquid or gas?

Solids have a strong force of attraction between its particles, which is why they have a fixed shape and volume. Liquids have a weaker force of attraction compared to solids, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container. Gases have very weak forces of attraction between particles, which is why they can expand to fill the space of their container.

Why does diffusion happen in gases and liquids but not in solids?

the force of attraction between the particles gases is weak force of attraction between the particles in liquid is a bit strong force of attraction between the particles in solid is strongest this is the right answers,,,,,dont worry :)

What is the force of attractive force between particles in the nucleus?

The attractive force between particles in the nucleus is known as the strong nuclear force. It is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. This force is extremely strong but acts only over very short distances.

What is the force called between liquid particles?

viscosity. Viscosity is the inherent force of a liquid which opposes the relative movement between layers of the said liquid.

What force is responsible for the repulsion between two positively-charge particles?

The strong nuclear force.

These hold Particles together?

- strong nuclear force - weak nuclear force - molecular binding energy - electrostatic force - glue - pressure - magnetic force - mortar - grout - cement

What are force carrier particles?

Force carrier particles are elementary particles that are responsible for mediating the forces between other particles in the Standard Model of particle physics. Examples include photons for electromagnetic force, gluons for strong nuclear force, and W and Z bosons for weak nuclear force. These particles are exchanged between interacting particles to transmit the forces between them.

Are particles stronger when closer?

In quantum mechanics, particles can exhibit behaviors of both particles and waves. In some cases, particles can interact more strongly when they are closer together, leading to effects such as the exchange of virtual particles or the formation of bound states. This behavior is governed by the fundamental forces of nature, like electromagnetism and the strong nuclear force.

What force affects changes of particles in the nucleus?

The strong nuclear force is the force that affects changes of particles in the nucleus. It is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, overcoming the repulsive electromagnetic force between positively charged protons.

What force is responsible fro binding together the red and black particles?

The strong nuclear force is responsible for binding together the red and black particles in a nucleus. This force overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons in the nucleus, keeping the particles tightly bound.

Why is iron hard and strong?

Iron is so hard and strong because bond between the particles of iron is very strong. We know that every matter is made up of small particles. These particles are joined with each other by a force called bond. So as much the bond between the particle strong as the matter will be strong.

How particles are arranged liquid?

The particles in a liquid have a weak force between them. They are still close together like the particles in a solid, just more loosely connected. They can freely move and slide past each other. =)