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The enforcement of Prohibition was highly ineffective.

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Q: How successful was the US government in enforcing prohibition?
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How much did the US government spend of prohibition?

10,000,000 dollars

How did the government enforce Prohibition in US?

With armed, sometimes lethal, force.

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Because the government couldn't collect taxes on illegally produced alcoholic beverages.

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The Prohibition Party, which still exists in the US, calls for the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages.

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National Prohibition failed in the US and in other countries.

When did prohibition starts in US?

National Prohibition began on January 17, 1933.

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No, it wasn't successful. The government never did declare it a war and didn't put in all that it could have to win.

Enforcing and administering the law is a function of the what?

The predominant group is our legal system. Police, lawyers, judges, jailers and even security guards. Don't forget your responsibility also. You have an active role in this world. Enforcing the laws may not be your primary role, but you are a part of the system. Since this question was placed in the US Government category, it should also be mentioned that enforcing and administering the law is the function of the Executive branch of the government as opposed to the legislative and judicial branches.