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Q: How tall do European Cypress trees grow?
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What are the tall thin trees round lake garda called?

Cupressus sempervirens the Italian Cypress

How are a bald cypress and a pond cypress alike and different?

if your doing socail studies or whatever heres the answer . "The bald cypress" lives in slow-moving water and grows to be the biggest. They can grow up to 150 feet tall.(That's tall as a 15-story building.) The other kind of cypress is the "pond cypress". As the name implies, it favors the still water of lakes or ponds. Cypress trees are known for their unusual trunks that spread out at the to support their great hieght. They can live up to be 500 years old and are cousin to the famous redwood tree. If you find a mature cypress that survived the logging days, and if trees could talk, it could tell you all about the Spanish explorers who came to Florida when it was very young.

Do pine trees grow tall?

100 ft tall

Why do most trees grow tall?

to get to the sunlight

What are the release dates for Trees Grow Tall and Then They Fall - 2005?

Trees Grow Tall and Then They Fall - 2005 was released on: USA: 1 August 2005

How tall are baobab trees?

they can grow up to 175 feet tall

Why can Redwood grow so tall?

They can grow to be the biggest trees in the world. To be precise, they can grow over 350 feet tall. They are also extremely bug and rot resistant trees.

How tall do dragon trees grow?

It can grow about 6 feet tall

Why are trees long?

Trees are tall as they are always trying to get closer to the sun------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trees are not long, they grow upwards so they should be described as "tall"

How tall do acacia trees grow?

30 feet

How tall can magnolia trees grow?

the answer is 100 feet

How tall do the trees grow in the Amazon rainforest?

Trees in the Amazon rainforest can grow to be over 200 feet tall, with some emergent species reaching up to 300 feet or more. The dense canopy allows for plants to grow tall to compete for sunlight, resulting in a diverse and stratified forest structure.