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The extra tension depends not on the velocity of the elevator, but on its acceleration.

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3d ago

The tension can be greater than gravity when the elevator is accelerating downwards, causing a net force that exceeds the force of gravity acting on the elevator. This creates a situation where the tension in the elevator cable is greater than the force of gravity, allowing the elevator to move downwards.

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Q: How the tension can be greater than gravity yet the elevator is moving downwards?
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What forces are acting on an elevator?

The main forces acting on an elevator are gravity, which pulls it downwards, and the tension in the cables or hydraulic system, which lifts it up. Additionally, there may be air resistance and friction that affect the motion of the elevator.

How do you draw an elevator free body diagram?

To draw an elevator free body diagram, you would typically represent the elevator as a box with arrows showing the forces acting on it. Include the downward force of gravity acting on the elevator's mass and the normal force acting upward from the floor of the elevator to support it. If the elevator is accelerating or decelerating, also include a force arrow in the direction of acceleration or deceleration.

How do you calculate tension in an elevator cable?

To calculate tension in an elevator cable, you can use the formula T = m*a, where T is the tension, m is the mass of the elevator and its occupants, and a is the acceleration due to gravity. Make sure to consider any additional forces or factors that may affect the tension in the cable.

What is the tension force in a rope supporting a bucket that weighs 38N?

The tension force in the rope supporting the bucket is also 38N, equal in magnitude to the weight of the bucket. The tension force is required to counteract the force of gravity acting downwards on the bucket, keeping it suspended.

what forces most strongly affects a picture hanging on nail on the wall?

The main forces that affect a picture hanging on a nail on a wall are gravity pulling the picture downwards, tension in the nail supporting the weight of the picture, and the frictional force between the picture frame and the wall that keeps it from sliding.

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How do you draw an elevator free body diagram?

To draw an elevator free body diagram, you would typically represent the elevator as a box with arrows showing the forces acting on it. Include the downward force of gravity acting on the elevator's mass and the normal force acting upward from the floor of the elevator to support it. If the elevator is accelerating or decelerating, also include a force arrow in the direction of acceleration or deceleration.

What two forces act on you while you are in a moving elevator?

Gravity and tension

What two forces act on you while you are in moving elevator?

Gravity and tension

What forces did you recognize in the activity?

In the activity, I recognized the force of gravity acting downwards on the objects, the force of tension in the strings holding the objects, and the forces of friction between the objects and the surfaces they were placed on.

What is the magnitude of the tension in the cord?

The magnitude of tension in a cord is the force exerted by the cord to maintain equilibrium in a system. It is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction at each end of the cord, keeping the system balanced. The tension is influenced by the weight of the objects the cord is supporting and any external forces acting on the system.

What has surface tension greater than water?

Some examples of substances with greater surface tension than water include mercury and liquid metals like gallium. These substances have stronger intermolecular forces that result in a higher resistance to being broken apart at the surface.

Does Tension stress creates folded mountains compression stress creates fault-block mountains and the third type of mountain is volcanic?

First understand that in GEOLOGY there can be no such thing as a "tension stress". Gravity ensures that all things are in compression. The only change is in the direction of maximum stress. When gravity (downwards) is the direction of maximum stress and one or other of the horizontal stresses decays slightly, fault block mountains form. When gravity (downwards) becomes the lowest stress, reverse faults (thrusts) and fold mountains are formed. When a hydraulic fluid (magma) penetrates a rheologically solid medium this will crack the medium an rise towards the surface. If the magma contains gas this will fizz and cause a volcano.- Is the Answer True or False?-Olivia

What are the five forces that act upon bridges?

1.compression 2.tension 3.torsion 4.shear 5.gravity

What forces do you feel on a swing set?

You feel gravity and the normal force from the seat of the swing which is applying a force due to the tension from the chains of the actual swing. The tension and normal force is greater than your weight which is why u don't go through the seat and break it. Since u are going in a circular fashion when u swing u also feel centripetal force which is due to the tension of the swing overpowering gravity and keeping u swinging.

Why needle with grease float on water surface?

The needle with grease floats on water because the grease creates a waterproof barrier around the needle. When placed on water, the surface tension of the water is able to support the needle and grease due to the decreased contact between the needle and water. This phenomenon is known as the "floating needle trick."

What happens if droplets of condensation become to big?

The force of gravity from the growing mass of the droplet will overcome the force of tension between the droplet and the surface the water tension is "holding" it to. Once gravity is larger than tension, the droplet falls to the ground.

What causes a pendulum to continue swinging?

Gravity and the tension in the string.