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Unstable waves can be stabilized on an oscilloscope by adjusting the trigger level and trigger slope settings. By setting the trigger level to a specific voltage and selecting the appropriate trigger slope (rising or falling edge), the oscilloscope will only display the waveform when it meets these trigger conditions, helping to stabilize the display of the waveform.

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Q: How the unstable waves stables in oscilloscope?
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An oscilloscope is commonly used to display sound waves. It shows the amplitude and frequency of the waves as visual representations that can be observed and analyzed. Sound waves can be converted into electrical signals and displayed on the screen of an oscilloscope for visualization.

Why is an oscilloscope used to measure sound waves?

An oscilloscope is used to measure sound waves because it can visually represent the waveforms of sound signals in real-time. This allows for precise measurements of characteristics such as frequency, amplitude, and waveform shape, which are essential in analyzing and troubleshooting audio systems and equipment. Additionally, an oscilloscope can provide a visual representation that helps in identifying distortions or anomalies in the sound wave.