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The same as most substances, CO2 must be cooled and put under increased pressure to become a solid. At one atmosphere, CO2 must be cooled to a temperature of -78.5 degrees Celsius to solidify. At height pressures CO2 solidifies at higher temperatures, however solid CO2 never exists at a temperature above -56.4 degrees Celsius.

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Q: How to convert gaseous carbon dioxide to solid carbon dioxide?
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Example of a solid bypassing the liquid phase and changing directly to the gaseous phase?

Carbon dioxide goes straight from "dry ice" to gaseous carbon dioxide.

When a chunk of dry ice is at room temperature a cloud of carbon dioxide vapor forms The carbon dioxide is changing from?

The solid carbon dioxide is transformed directly in gaseous carbon dioxide; this phenomenon is called sublimation.

When a chunk of dry ice is at room temperature a cloud of carbon dioxide vapor forms. The carbon dioxide is changing from a?

The solid carbon dioxide is transformed directly in gaseous carbon dioxide; this phenomenon is called sublimation.

What is the common name for dry ice?

Dry ice IS the solid form of carbon dioxide. And "dry ice" IS the common name for the solid CO2. So the question should be "What substance is the common name Dry Ice used for ? "

How can gaseous carbon dioxide be converted into dry ice?

Carbon dioxide turns into what is known as "dry ice" which is fact solid carbon dioxide. It changes directly from a solid to a gas at about -56°C under normal atmospheric conditions without going through a wet liquid stage. This process is known as sublimation.

Can carbon dioxide change from a solid to a gaseous phase?

Yes, it is possible: the phenomenon is called sublimation.

What is dry ice and how is it connected to sublimation?

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide goes from a solid phase to a gaseous phase without becoming a liquid and that transition is called sublimation.

What tempurate does dry ice sumblimate to carbon dixode?

Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) sublimates into gaseous carbon dioxide at -78.5 oC at atmospheric pressure. (Wikipedia)

What process occurs when gaseous carbon dioxide forms directly from dry ice?

When a solid evaporates directly to a gaseous state, it is called sublimation.

Is in bubbles in soda a solid liquid or gas?

It is a gas (carbon dioxide). That is why it is called a carbonated liquid.

What form of carbon dioxide has the lowest entropy?

Solid carbon dioxide, also known as dry ice, has the lowest entropy among the different forms of carbon dioxide. In its solid state, the molecules are tightly packed together, resulting in a more ordered arrangement and therefore lower entropy compared to gaseous or liquid states.

How is dry ice unique?

dry ice is actually solid carbon dioxide . it does not melt coz it directly sublimes into gaseous stat