

Best Answer

Here's the code:


<title>List Box Value in Text Box</title>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

function getValue(string)


document.getElementById("text").value = string;





<form name="form1">

<h2>Get Selected Value</h2>

<select name="select" size="5" onclick="getValue(this.value)">

<option value="apple">Apple</option>

<option value="tangerines">Tangerines</option>

<option value="banana">Banana</option>

<option value="grapes">Grapes</option>


<input type="text" id="text" name="text" />




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Q: How to display listbox selected value in a texbox?
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How do you display listbox selected value to texbox in php?

It is better you use Java Script cause posting onto a server and returning a value is some serious business compared to simple client side assigning of value done by Java Script. If your listbox select value comes from database use AJAX

Why is a combo box different from a list box?

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Html pull down menu example for month day and year I would like to get an example on how to write month day and year in HTML form?

# &lt;select name="month" id="month"&gt; # &lt;option value="1" &lt;?PHP if($month==1) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;January&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="2" &lt;?PHP if($month==2) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;February&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="3" &lt;?PHP if($month==3) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;March&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="4" &lt;?PHP if($month==4) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;April&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="5" &lt;?PHP if($month==5) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;May&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="6" &lt;?PHP if($month==6) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;June&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="7" &lt;?PHP if($month==7) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;July&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="8" &lt;?PHP if($month==8) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;August&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="9" &lt;?PHP if($month==9) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;September&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="10" &lt;?PHP if($month==10) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;October&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="11" &lt;?PHP if($month==11) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;November&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="12" &lt;?PHP if($month==12) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;December&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;/select&gt; # # &lt;select name="day" id="day"&gt; # &lt;option value="1" &lt;?PHP if($day==1) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;1&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="2" &lt;?PHP if($day==2) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;2&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="3" &lt;?PHP if($day==3) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;3&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="4" &lt;?PHP if($day==4) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;4&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="5" &lt;?PHP if($day==5) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;5&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="6" &lt;?PHP if($day==6) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;6&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="7" &lt;?PHP if($day==7) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;7&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="8" &lt;?PHP if($day==8) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;8&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="9" &lt;?PHP if($day==9) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;9&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="10" &lt;?PHP if($day==10) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;10&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="11" &lt;?PHP if($day==11) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;11&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="12" &lt;?PHP if($day==12) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;12&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="13" &lt;?PHP if($day==13) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;13&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="14" &lt;?PHP if($day==14) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;14&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="15" &lt;?PHP if($day==15) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;15&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="16" &lt;?PHP if($day==16) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;16&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="17" &lt;?PHP if($day==17) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;17&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="18" &lt;?PHP if($day==18) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;18&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="19" &lt;?PHP if($day==19) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;19&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="20" &lt;?PHP if($day==20) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;20&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="21" &lt;?PHP if($day==21) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;21&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="22" &lt;?PHP if($day==22) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;22&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="23" &lt;?PHP if($day==23) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;23&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="24" &lt;?PHP if($day==24) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;24&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="25" &lt;?PHP if($day==25) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;25&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="26" &lt;?PHP if($day==26) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;26&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="27" &lt;?PHP if($day==27) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;27&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="28" &lt;?PHP if($day==28) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;28&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="29" &lt;?PHP if($day==29) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;29&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="30" &lt;?PHP if($day==30) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;30&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;option value="31" &lt;?PHP if($day==31) echo "selected";?&gt;&gt;31&lt;/option&gt; # &lt;/select&gt; # # &lt;select name="year" id="year"&gt; # &lt;?PHP for($i=date("Y"); $i&lt;=date("Y")+2; $i++) # if($year == $i) # echo "&lt;option value='$i' selected&gt;$i&lt;/option&gt;"; # else # echo "&lt;option value='$i'&gt;$i&lt;/option&gt;"; # ?&gt; # &lt;/select&gt;

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How do you add item in listbox through the textbox?

This can be done with a little javascript. Here's an example &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"&gt; function addNewItem() { // Retrieve the elements from the document body var textbox = document.getElementById('MyTextbox'); var listbox = document.getElementById('MyListbox'); // Now we need to create a new 'option' tag to add to MyListbox var newOption = document.createElement('option'); newOption.value = textbox.value; // The value that this option will have newOption.innerHTML = textbox.value; // The displayed text inside of the &lt;option&gt; tags // Finally, add the new option to the listbox listbox.appendChild(newOption); } &lt;/script&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;input id="MyTextbox" type="textbox" /&gt; &lt;input type="button" value="Add Item" onclick="javascript:addNewItem()" /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt; &lt;select id="MyListbox" size="10"&gt; &lt;option value="apples"&gt;Apples&lt;/option&gt; &lt;option value="oranges"&gt;Oranges&lt;/option&gt; &lt;option value="bananas"&gt;Bananas&lt;/option&gt; &lt;/select&gt; &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;

If the value 1000.5 is entered in a field in access that has been defined as currency data type then the value will display how?

How a currency value will be displayed depends upon which currency it is set to display, so it could display as &euro;1,000.50, $1,000.50, &pound;1,000.50, etc. It could even display as &euro;1.000,50 in countries, such as Spain, where the thousands separator is a full stop (period).

What is rownum and row number?

Rownum is a Oracle variable that can be selected in a query and will return a row value as it was selected from the database table.

What is the value of LCD?

LCD is not a valid value in Roman Numerals.

What is the place value for 1206.42?

A whole number cannot have a place value - only a single (or selected) digit can.

The MAX function determines the value in a selected range of values?

It determines the cell entry with the greatest value.