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Q: How to make a motion to approve the meeting minutes?
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How do you vote for approval the minutes?

Typically, to vote for approval of minutes, members of a meeting or organization can make a motion to approve the minutes. Another member then seconds the motion. After that, the chairperson will ask for any discussion or amendments. Once the discussion is closed, a vote is taken, and a majority is usually required to approve the minutes.

Can the chair make a motion in a meeting?

can the chairman make a motion?

What do you say after the minutes of a meeting are read?

The Chairperson, Seargent at Arms, MC, etc does this... You first ask if any amendments need to be made to minutes. If there are none you make a motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor vote. All opposed vote. Record the votes (indictaing who voted & how) in the current meeting minutes. Done.

Definition meaning of motion of meeting?

To make a motion at a meeting is to make a verbal proposal. Motions can be made for any reason, including suggesting a new idea for the group or even something as simple as drawing the meeting to a close.

When the minutes of a person who is taking them can they make a motion on their own minutes?

When the secetary of any organization reads her minutes can she put them in a for of a motion? and why she can't?

Does the President of the Condo have the right to negate the entire minutes taken and present his own?

Probably not. Minutes are legal documents the represent conduct of the business of the association. Board vote is required to approve minutes, so potentially, if the board votes to approve 'non-representative meeting minutes' this vote is documented. Any dissention, by a board member or an observant owner should be documented as well. Boards that approve 'rewritten history'-type minutes make themselves inherently untrustworthy, by some accounts. Your association counsel can offer more particular remedies and opinions in your specific case.

What do you say to adopt minutes of a meeting?

The Chairperson, Seargent at Arms, MC, etc does this... You first ask if any amendments need to be made to minutes. If there are none you make a motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor vote. All opposed vote. Record the votes (indictaing who voted & how) in the current meeting minutes. Done. FYI - this is a duplicate question

Who makes a motion at a meeting?

Any member recognized by the facilitator may make a motion. Following a second, the group discusses the motion. When discussion ends, the motion is voted on.

What do you say to motion at a meeting?

First you need to have standing (permission) to rise and speak, let alone make a motion at a meeting. For example, at a public meeting of a planning commission, only the commissioners can make a motion, although the chairperson of the meeting may (at his or her discretion) recognize a member of the public provide input on an issue prior to taking a vote. A recognized member (or alternate voting delegate) may make a motion, at the proper time, by simply saying, "I would like to make the following motion", and then continuing with his or her idea. Many times it is less formal, such as "I move that we accept the minutes as read", or "I make a motion that we suspend the rules and waive the reading of the treasurer's report." The chairperson may immediately rule you "out of order" for a number of reasons, and ask you to sit down and be quiet. At the proper time, you may again attempt to make a motion. After that, there is typically a "second" to the motion, or (if no second) a very uncomfortable pause while the motion fails to even elicit support of one other member (it is very embarrassing when this happens, and sometimes results in immediate resignation by the member whose motion was not seconded). Once the motion has been seconded, the chairperson can ask for any discussion, which may include a motion to amend the primary motion, or a motion to withdraw (or suspend action upon) the primary motion, among other things. Eventually, any motion not tabled or withdrawn must be voted upon, or the meeting suspended (adjourned) until further information can be obtained by those who wish to continue discussing it before voting...

How should corrections to meeting minutes be handled?

The person taking/typing the meeting minutes should present a draft of the minutes to the person responsible for approving (or signing off on) the minutes. That person should review the draft, make corrections, and return to the typist to produce the corrected minutes.

What is the difference between apologies and absent in minutes?

Apologies: someone who can't make the meeting and informs the host prior to the meeting. Absent: someone who doesn't attend the meeting and did not let the host know.

What are the duties of the chairperson in the meeting?

The duties of a Chairperson is to generally supervise the meeting, make sure everyone has a fair say within the meeting, to make sure no-one's opinion/idea is left out, to make sure that no-one bosses or insults a persons opinion/idea and finally to make sure the meeting is conducted in the proper way (everyone attends, minutes are taken, etc).