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Virtual Reality can serve to new product design, helping as an ancillary tool for engineering in manufacturing processes, new product prototypes, and simulation. Among other examples, Electronic Design Automation, CAD, Finite Element Analysis, and Computer Aided Manufacturing are widely utilized programs. The use of Stereolithography and 3D printing shows how computer graphic modeling can be applied to create physical parts of real objects used in naval, aerospace, and automotive industries, which can be seen, for example, in the VR laboratory of VW in Mladá Boleslav. Beyond modeling assembly parts, 3D computer graphics techniques are currently used in the research and development of medical devices for therapies,treatments,patient monitoring,and early diagnoses of complex diseases.

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Q: How virtual reality system can be used in design application?
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Can virtual reality be used to control others' thoughts?

NO. Hmmmm...that might depend on how "real" the virtual reality seemed to those viewing it. If the virtual reality was close enough to "real reality" so as to be undetectable, then I should think that, yes, you could control others' thoughts by allowing them to view (and consequently incorporate into their belief system) a "reality" that wasn't true. (Hope that makes sense...I know what I'm thinking, just not sure it's coming out right.)

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dont know thats y am here

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MS Publisher is an application software. It is a part of Office suite. It is used to design things for publishing.

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Judy H. August has written: 'Joint application design' -- subject(s): Methodology, System design