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a blessing because of the enlightenment

a curse because the darkness of his books made genius look like madness

P.S. This is not my answer I found it on another site

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9y ago
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6mo ago

Edgar Allan Poe was blessed as a genius for his creativity, innovation, and ability to capture complex emotions in his writing, creating iconic works of literature that have stood the test of time. However, he was also cursed as a genius due to his struggles with mental health, addiction, and personal demons that plagued him throughout his life, ultimately contributing to his untimely death at a young age.

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15y ago

He was blessed by his genous in a way that he had talent. He was a very talented man. He is famous for his work. He is cursed by his fears and what he writes about in his stories or poems.

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12y ago

Probably because most of his family, and most of the people he cared about all died.

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14y ago

yes because he had so much trouble in his life.

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13y ago

His genius

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