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It is found in many different areas and the mechanism varies according to where it is found.

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Q: How was Fibonacci's pattern formed in nature?
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A solid mineral that is formed in nature and has particles in a reppeeting pattern?


What Has a repeating pattern?

Nonliving, solid material formed in nature with particles arranged in a repeating pattern is a mineral. Atoms of a mineral are arranged in a repeating pattern to form a solid that is called a crystal.

What is a nonliving solid materials that was formed in nature and has particles arranged in a definite repeating pattern?

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Can minerals be formed in a laboratory?

No they cant. They are formed in nature.

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add up the 2 previous ones.

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Nonliving, solid material formed in nature with particles arranged in a repeating pattern is a mineral. Atoms of a mineral are arranged in a repeating pattern to form a solid that is called a crystal.

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Fibonacci had a mother called alessandra and a father called Guilielmo

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Nature, Formed by Earthquakes.

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