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Raised taxes

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Q: How was Governor Curtin helpful to the Union's war effort?
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Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a personal matter for Union Brigadier General David M Gregg?

In 1863 the governor of Pennsylvania was Andrew C. Curtin. He and General Gregg were first cousins. Gregg made a statement that in no uncertain terms, would he let his cousin's state be mauled by the Confederates.As an aside, Governor Curtin always had close ties to the US military. General George B. McClellan, for example, counted on Governor Curtin to speak on the generals behalf just after the Battle of Antietam. The Governor was conducting a governor's meeting to discuss the Union war effort. McClellan was certain that Curtin and other dissatisfied governors would demand the resignation of Secretary of War Stanton.

Unions helped the American war effort during world war 1 by?

promising not to strike

What regulated the internal operations and finances of unions in an effort to minimize corruption and abuse?

Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

What is one way African Americans severed the unions war effort?

Many joined segregated Union units and fought in the military.

What regulated the internal operations and finances of unions in an effort to minimize corruption and abuse Answer management reporting and disclosure act?

Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

Why was there an effort to organize workers into labor unions?

They were formed in reaction to the rapid changes in the economic environment brought about by industrialization. - See more at:

During the effort desegregate schools in Little Rock why did Eisenhower place the Arkansas?

he needed the guard to follow the law, not the governor Arkansas

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Mechanical advantage

Why was there an effort to organize wokers into labor unions?

People during the 1800s probably organize labor unions because~They wanted better pay and working conditionsFor your information:Labor Union means an organization of workers.

Which act spells out the democratic procedures that unions must use including allowing members to attend meetings and vote?

The Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 was an effort to control union corruption.

Which governor component applies force to the throttle shaft in an effort to move it to the wide open throttle position?

governed idle spring

What social issues led to the rise of the effort to form labor union for women?

There never has been labor unions just for women. In fact, women have had to fight for the right to work and to be represented by a union.