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He was the emperor of Japan and came to power when his father became very ill and died. This was the custom at the time. Installed as the crown prince at age 15, he was Japan's longest-reigning monarch, ruling from 1926 to 1989.

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Q: How was Tojo Japan able to come to power?
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Where did hideki tojo come from?

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When did hedickey tojo be come the dicktater of japan?

First off his name is Hideki Tojo and he was not a dictator he was the prime minister. You must be confused with Japan's militarism

How did Tojo come to power?

Boner soup

How did Hideki Tojo come to power?

Boner soup

How did general hideki Tojo come to power as the Japanese prime minister?

his father was a general in the army so it was easy for tojo to quickly rise in the ranks. also he brought back the samurai used in shogun. that got him popular, and convensed soldiers to fight to the death, kamikazes.

What impact did Hideki Tojo have on world war 2?

Michinomiya Hirohito was the monarch of japan for the longest period. He ruled as the emperor of Japan from 1926 until his death in 1989. He was very interested in several differ things. Who was one of the youngest in the war.

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Why did Octavian take actions against the other members of the second triumvirate?

Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.Octavian wanted power, as did the other members of the triumvirate. He was smart enough to be able to wrest power from his opponents, by legal and illegal means and come out the winner.

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