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i just learned about this in history class!!

the feudal system was growing weaker and weaker.

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Q: How was the feudal system during the black death?
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What helped end the feudal system?

the black death and king john helped end the feudal system

What lead to the collapse of the feudal system in England in the 1300's?

The black death

Why was the black death the most significant event in medieval England?

the black death killed over 1 third of europes population alone it changed and reshaped feudal system it was the worlds worst plauge

How did the Magna Carta and the Devastation of the Black Death weaken the feudal hierarchy?

The Black Death weakened the feudal system for a couple of reasons. First, the peasants found it possible to move outside their class. They formed the merchant class and made a profit from selling and trading goods. Second, after the plague, the peasants began to realize that even the nobles were not protected from the plague. They originally thought that God was protecting them, but the plague changed their point of view. Slowly, the feudal system collapsed and an oligarchy system was formed instead.

Where are doctors on the middle ages feudal system?

Many of them were not really doctors, but Black Death doctors that went around doing blood lettind while trying to cure the Plague.

When did the Fuedal System end?

One of the main reasons why the feudal system ended was because the Black Death killed so many peasants that they became rarer and more valuable - so the price for labour increased.

What caused disunity during the Middle Ages?

There were several factors that caused disunity during the Middle Ages. These include political fragmentation, religious conflicts (such as the Great Schism), feudal system disputes, and the rise of competing power centers like city-states and monarchies. Additionally, the Black Death and economic difficulties resulted in further disunity and social unrest.

What were the unforeseen consequences of the the black death epidemic in europe?

The craftspeople that were left found their skills in high demand. Also the collapse of the Feudal system and the rise of the Renaissance.

What happened in the medieval?

the hundred year war and also the black death the black death took place because the feudal syaytem was very poor and they took out the people so the pope was weakended

What happened in the medieval period?

the hundred year war and also the black death the black death took place because the feudal syaytem was very poor and they took out the people so the pope was weakended

Was the Black Death spreading during the Age Of Exploration?

The black death was a big turning point for Europe because of everything that had gone on during the black plague. After the black death people saw how terribly they wee living and disided to change it and now that have become much more cleaner and cautios.

England during the black death?

the black death came to England aroud the 1300 - 1400