

How was the natives economy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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The Natives economy was in good shape. It was the first Europeans to come around.

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Q: How was the natives economy?
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What is the possessive of economy?

The possessive of economy is economy's.

What is the difference between market economy and mixed economy?

The difference between market economy and mixed economy is that a marked economy is a marked economy and a mixed economy is a mixed economy

What economy does Jordan have?

Jordan's economy is a market economy.

What is included in mixed economy?

Mixed economy included Capitalistic economy and also Socialistic economy. Capitalistic economy for profit earning and socialistic economy for social welfare.

Which is better the American economy or the Mexican economy?

As of 2011 the American economy is better than the Mexican economy. However.... The Mexican Economy has the potential to surpass the American economy. In 2010: the American Economy grew: 2.9% the Mexican Economy grew: 5.3%

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Natives from the west, and attack by a European power. Also, they had to figure out their economy as a new country that was in debt when it was formed and hasn't gotten out of it since.

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Native Americans, South American Natives, Natives in the Islands of Caribbean, Natives of the Philippines, Natives of Polynesia, Natives of Hawaii, Natives of New Zealand, Natives of China and Japan.

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There are no natives of Bermuda.

What is the subject in the sentence The natives of the tiny village celebrated with a great feast?

To find the subject you have to know what word(s) is the verb. In this sentence the verb is celebrated.So you ask yourself the question 'who celebrated?' -- (who did the action of the verb?)The answer is 'the natives' therefore 'the natives' is the subject of the sentence.

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The Celts were the natives of Britain.

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tribe of natives

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Their natives are called Aborigines.

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The simple subject in the sentence is "Natives."