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That depended on who that 'non German' was...

If that where an ari-race, like the Swedes, Dutch or, for that matter, Dennish, he did not dislike them especially. However, if that 'non German 'was a Jude... That was altogether annother thing. He hated the Jews. And many other non arian races as well.


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Q: How was the relationship between Hitler and the non Germans?
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What was the stalin-hitler pact of 1939?

The Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union which was also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact .

In what ways was Hitler good and bad?

Like as in good Adolf Hitler, he wanted to make Germany as a non poverty country.Like as in bad Adolf Hitler,well he didn't need to kill that much Jews by sending them to the concentration camps!! Just because most of the Jews were rich and the Germans,at that time, were poor, and was believed that the Jews had ruined the German economy.

What was the significance of the nonaggression pact?

Nations would sign non-aggression pacts with Hitler. They thought it would protect them from invasions by the Nazi Germans. They had no clue (except for Russia) that Hitler would still invade their nations. Winston Churchill however knew the pact was phony and worth the ash on the end of a cigarette.

Who was on Hitler's side in World War 2?

Well, there was of course the Nazis (Germans), there was also Italy, Japan and various other countries in eastern Europe.The Italians - although there was a little opposition to the alignment at times. Also, the Japanese. Hitler had a non-aggresion pact with Russia at the beginning of the war that he later reneged on.

Why did Stalin turn to Hitler for help?

Stalin did not needed Hitler for help. They were not allies during World War II. They became enemies after Hitler violated a non-aggression pact. Yes, with the exception of the division of Poland and the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states there was nothing in common between the two. The non aggression pact was used by Hitler to secure his eastern frontier prior to launching Barbarossa in the summer of 1941.

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Who authorized the idea that non-Nazis had to die?

Adolf Hitler. It was not non-Nazis, most Germans were non-Nazis. But yes, it was sanctioned by Hitler.

What did Hitler have built to facilitate the movement of soldiers and materials in wartime?

The term Hitler used to describe allegedly "pure, non-Jewish" Germans was ---------.

Did adolf Hitler kill Germans if thay didnt enlist in his army?

No, if so there would be no non-military German civilians in ww2, and the Germans would pretty much be extinct.

When was Appeasement used during World War 2?

Appeasement was prior to World War 2 officially happening between the French and The Brits and the Nazi Germans. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain foolishly believe Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Germans would leave Britain (and France) when they signed a "non-aggression" pact with Adolph Hitler. Hitler had no intention of honoring "that phony piece of paper" he claimed to his people.

How did some non Jews oppse hitlers final solution?

they didnt like it genocide never did

Why do so many countries compete even though Hitler's anti-Semitic policies were well known?

Many Germans and non-Germans contributed to or benefited from the so-called "Final Solution"

Are there any relationship between non living things and living things?

Yes there are relationship between the living and non-living world

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non sexual relationship

Who nazi-soviet non aggression pact between?

It was between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

What is Anschluss and why was it important to Hitler?

The Anschluss was a union between Germany and Austria, it was important to Hitler as Austria was his homeland and it was part of his plan to unite all German speaking peoples in a powerfull greater Germany.

What was the reason or hitlers hatred against Jews and people who were different from him?

It was all Anti semitism and non Aryan Hitler wanted a pure aryan race of people who are loyal Nazi germans, If you was a Jew or a Anti nazi and a Non german then your a enemy to the german state and hitler wanted you killed

What was the stalin-hitler pact of 1939?

The Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union which was also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact .