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They were treated the complete opposit to men , for the men thought that woman were no better than them. So they were not allowed jobs like a doctor ect also they could not vote so they were accepted as lower class than everyone else. Until the suffragettes of course it all changed.

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* they were treated bad and had to do house work all the timeespecially to take care of their children .

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Q: How were women treated before they had the right to vote?
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Working in the abolitionist movement gave women the right to vote in most of the colonies. Women did not have the right to vote before 1776.

When did women get the right to vote in puerto Rico?

Spain gave women the right to vote in the year 1931. This was several years before France and Italy allowed women to vote.

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It is a matter of civil rights. Often women are not given the right to vote or other rights in the country. They are treated as second class citizens. In the United States women didn't gain the right to vote until 1920.

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The women in New Zealand got the right to vote before any of the other countries did.

Why did women first get the right to vote?

Women getting the right to vote was a matter of fairness. Women are subject to laws and in most cases laws made by men were/are inherently unfair to women. All citizens should be treated equally in a just society and voting is how we participate.

What year did women start to vote?

If you are asking about the United States, women received the right to vote in federal elections in 1920. But long before that, some states gave women the right to vote for governor, state senators, mayors, etc. One of the first places to grant women voting rights was the territory of Wyoming, in 1869. Women got the right to vote in several other western states, including Colorado in 1893, and Idaho in 1896.

What is the significance of the 19 amendment?

It gave American women the right to vote in elections.

What did women gain as a result of American revolution?

Women gained some leader ship with in the colonies

What is the significance of the nineteenth amendment to the us constitution?

It was important because it gave every citizen, regardless of sex, the right to vote.

Why was the right to vote important for women?

Women were treated as processions and not as a human being giving them the right to vote made them more equal to man.Women also care about who is running their country

What did the women's did to have the right to vote?

women had the right to vote in the 1920. the law of women being able to vote is the 19th amendment in the constitution.

Why were women rights so important?

The right to vote was important to women because it confirmed their position in society as human beings equal to men. Also, the right to vote would allow women to have influence over issues affecting their lives.