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Q: How where the European and the ottoman soldiers different?
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In 1550 no European country (with the possible exception of the Ottoman Empire) had a standing ('permanent') army.

Did the Ottoman Empire resist the European trade and culture?

The Ottoman Empire tried to resist European Trade and Culture but were not terribly effective in doing either, especially at resisting European Culture.

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The Ottoman attempts at state consolidation differ from European attempts in the sense that they were more forceful in their takeovers than even the Europeans were.

North America was mainly controlled by which European Empire?

The ottoman empire

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What is European partitioning?

The dividing of southwest asia by the european power after the fall of the ottoman impire, after world war 1

Elite ottoman soldiers drawn from the ranks of the christians were called?

Janissary or janizary.

Which European country began its friendship with Turkey during the Ottoman Empire?

France :)

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What is an accurate description of relations between European states and the ottoman empire in the period 1815 and 1914?

Most European countries thought that the Ottoman Empire was in its death throes. As Russian, English, and French empires expanded in the 19th century, that expansion came at the expense of the Ottoman Empire which continued to contract.

What was a role of the Ottoman sultan?

The Ottoman sultan was the autocratic hereditary ruler of the Ottoman Empire. (Basically it was no different than a king).