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A single strand of hair can be from 18 micrometers to 80 micrometers in width.

According to Wikipedia, it's 18 to 180 micrometres wide, averaging at 80 micrometres.
Oh, I learned this one in High School when Mr. Leyson yanked a hair out of my head in machine shop class and measured it with a micrometer. A single hair is .003 in. or 3/1000 or Three Thousands of an inch thick. Oh, I learned this one in High School when Mr. Leyson yanked a hair out of my head in machine shop class and measured it with a micrometer. A single hair is .003 in. or 3/1000 or Three Thousands of an inch thick.

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The diameter (human hairs are cylindrical ) is 0.00254cm

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Human hair doesn't contain single atoms; hair is formed from many compounds.

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Q: What is the width of a human hair in cm?
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What is the size of hair (width) in millimeters?

Human hair varies in size greatly. A child's head hair can be as fine as 0.05mm. An adult's head hair can be as course as 0.25mm. Adult eye- brow hair can be as thick as 0.3mm. Hair is circular in shape, not flat like grass. Things which are circular or round in shape, do not have 'thickness', they have 'diameter'.The sizes above express the Diameter of Hair. In the Imperial system of measure, human hair varies between 0.002 inch & 0.010 inch Diameter.

Where does the root hair cell work on the body?

It Doesn't As: X=2.5cm which is 2000 times the length of the width of on and that is too small for the human.

The width of a human hair is 0.1 millimeter the width of this human hair in microns is?

1 micron = 10^(-6) metres. 1 millimetre = 10^(-3) metres = 10^3 x 10^(-6) metres = 10^3 microns = 1000 microns. Thus 0.1 millimetres = 0.1 x 1000 microns = 100 microns.

What is the average thickness of a human hair in inches?

The diameter of a human hair does not have a standard value since different people have different hair structures. Your genetic makeup can cause the width of your hair to differ from that of other people. Hair color is also a big factor. Black hair is thicker than is red hair. The weather can also affect the diameter of a hair strand. As the weather gets warmer, the diameter of body hair increases. Age is another factor. Babies and young children have finer hair than adults. As a person grows up, their hair becomes thicker and stronger. Another factor is that, the closer to the root of the hair, the thicker a strand of hair would be. In my research, I have found the diameter of human hair to range from 17 to 181 µm (millionths of a meter)

What is the width of a peice of paper in millimeters and centimeters?

If you take the standard piece of paper as having a width of 8.5 inches, then the conversion to cm and mm is as follows:8.5 inch x 2.5 cm/inch = 21.25 cm21.25 cm x 10 mm/cm = 212.5 mm

Related questions

What is a width of a human hair?

The width of a human hair is 0.0018 cm.

What is the width of human hair in word notation when 0.0018 cm is in standard notation?

Eighteen thousandths of a millimeter. 0.0018 cm = 0.018 mm = 18 µm (micrometer) Human hair width actually ranges from 17 to 181 µm. 181 µm is almost .2 mm so you could say "about a fifth of a millimeter for coarse hair"

What is the width of a human hair in Angstroms?

A human hair typically has a width of about 70,000 to 100,000 angstroms.

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The length is 4 cm, the width is 26 cm.

What is the width of a rectangle with length 14 cm in an area of 161 cm²?

Its width is: 161/14 = 11.5 cm

How big is a strand of human hair?

The length of a strand of human hair can vary greatly depending on the person. However, the width of a human hair, in terms of how big it is, can measure anywhere from 40 microns to 120 microns. A micron is 1 millionth of a meter.

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the width equals 14 cm. and the length equals 31 cm.