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Amplitude is intensity. It refers to the strength of a sound wave, which the human ear interprets as volume or loudness and if you decrease the amplitude you also decrease its intensity.

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1w ago

Decreasing the amplitude of the sound waves will decrease the intensity of the sound coming from the TV. Intensity is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude, so reducing the amplitude will result in a corresponding decrease in intensity. This means that the sound will be quieter.

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6y ago

For most waves amplitude and frequency are independent (they have no effect on each other).

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13y ago

the sound will decrease in volume

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Q: How will decreasing the amplitude of the sound waves from a TV affect its intensity?
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How does amplitude affect sound?

Amplitude decides the intensity (loudness) of the sound. Intensity is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration.

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its?

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its amplitude or intensity. The greater the amplitude of the wave, the louder the sound will be perceived.

What is the amplitude of a sound wave a measure of?

The amplitude of a sound wave is a measure of the maximum displacement of particles in the medium from their resting position. It represents the loudness or intensity of the sound wave.

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Intensity depends on amplitude and also on?

When talking about sound, the intensity of the sound is calculated the sound pressure multiplied by the velocity. It doesn't use amplitude in its calculation.

What decreases when the intensity of sound decreases?

When the intensity of sound decreases, the amplitude of the sound waves decreases. This means that the sound waves carry less energy, resulting in a softer and quieter sound. The perception of loudness is directly related to the intensity of sound.

How does amplitude affect the loudness of a sound?

it is how loud the sound is ^Smartass comment. The real answer: Loudness is determined by the intensity of sound waves.

What property of sound depends on the energy and intensity of the sound wave?

Its volume or how loud it is.

What is intensity as it relates to sound waves?


What do we see that the amplitude of a wave produces?

The amplitude of a wave produces the intensity of the wave. With a light wave, it is the intensity of the light, with a sound wave, it is how loud the sound is

What happens to the volume of a sound wave as its amplitude decrease?

As the amplitude of a sound wave decreases, the volume or loudness of the sound also decreases. This is because amplitude is directly related to the intensity of the sound wave, which in turn affects how loud the sound is perceived. So, a lower amplitude results in a quieter sound.

How does the amplitude of a sound relate to its intensity?

The amplitude of a sound wave is directly related to its intensity. A higher amplitude corresponds to a louder sound with greater intensity, while a lower amplitude corresponds to a softer sound with lower intensity. Intensity is the amount of energy carried by the sound wave per unit area.