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the going on experiment regarding god element in Geneva

will surely get a success regarding the formation of solar system and universe

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Q: How will scientist get better evidence about how the solar system was formed?
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when told that let a solar system be formed it was formed

When did scientist believe your solar system formed?

The solar system is believed to have formed about 5 billion years ago, and by the way, why do you call it YOUR solar system? Do you come from a different solar system? Because if not, then it's OUR solar system.

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No, there is no evidence to suggest that the scientist misread the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is a complex system that has been interpreted by scholars and researchers with varying interpretations, but there is no definitive evidence of a misreading.

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they use models to demonstrate to others. It gives them a better perspective of what they're learning.

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What evidence gives clue to the formation of the Earth?

The earth was formed due to collision of several planet in the solar system i.e. referred to as the 'big bang'

What method of measurement does a scientist use?

Scientist use the metric system. All science in the metric system.

What is the system of measurement used by scientist to collect data?

Scientists typically use the International System of Units (SI) to collect data. This system includes units such as meters, grams, seconds, and Kelvin. These units provide a standardized way for scientists to measure and communicate data across different fields of study.

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How do astronomers think our solar system was formed?

A bunch of hydrogen atoms clustered together. The H+ smashed together releasing a ton of heat, creating the sun.