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By using Roman numerals and numbers in English word form: F(IV)E

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Q: How will you write 4 in between 5?
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How can you write 4 between 5?

4.5 is between 4 and 5

How do you write 4 divided 5 as a fraction?

It is: 4/5

How do you write 4 whole and 1 over 5?

you would write it as '4 1/5' or '4.2'

How do you write 5 feet 4 inches in numerically?

You would write it as 5 feet 4 inches - as in the question!

What is the distance between 5 and -5?

You could write them out to show the distance on the numberline-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5or subtract minus 5 from 55 - -5 = 10

What is 5 over 4?

write it as a fraction 4 - 5 or 4/5 4 divided by 5 do the math yourself.

How can you write 4 over 5 as a decimal?

It is: 4/5 = 0.8 as a decimal

Whatns the defrence between 4 and 5 and 1 and 5?

The difference between 4 and 5 is 1 and the difference between 1 and 5 is 4.

How do you write the problem 4 over 5 out?

If on one line... : 4/5 Otherwise: 4 _ 5 Its essentially 4 'divided' by 5.

How do you to write 4 fifth as a decimal?

4/5 is the same as 4 divided by 5. It is 0.8

How do you write 4.8 as a mixed number?

4 4/5

Whatns the defrence between 4 and 5?

The difference between 4 and 5 or 4 - 5 is 1. 4 - 5 = 1 is the equation form.