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Its cultivation and distribution could be regulated and taxed, and tax dollars now being spent to eradicate crops and prosecute people who grow and distribute it could be diverted to deal with more serious crimes.

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Q: How would legalizing marijuana help the economy?
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If marijuana was legalized, would it help raise funds for the US economy?

If marijuana was legalized, it would help the US economy, as the government would be able to start taxing it like they do tabacco and alcohol.

Would legalizing marijuana pull the us out of a recession?

Technically the US won't be able to completely heal from the recession by legalizing marijuana. But studies have shown that if legalized and taxed at a price around $50/ounce, that the US would receive 16 billion in revenues a year which would definitely help in our economy. In California, where medical marijuana is legal, there is a bill in office trying to legalize the use of cannabis with similar laws to alcohol. Because marijuana is California's #1 cash crop, there would be a 1 billion dollar a year of extra taxes just if California legalized cannabis. Food for Thought Technically the US won't be able to completely heal from the recession by legalizing marijuana. But studies have shown that if legalized and taxed at a price around $50/ounce, that the US would receive 16 billion in revenues a year which would definitely help in our economy. In California, where medical marijuana is legal, there is a bill in office trying to legalize the use of cannabis with similar laws to alcohol. Because marijuana is California's #1 cash crop, there would be a 1 billion dollar a year of extra taxes just if California legalized cannabis. Food for Thought It would help with tax money Yes, then then we have more money for everything. Z

How would legalizing marijuana help?

It doesn't really help anyone but the Government, since they get to make more money on it but don't deserve it since they only allow legalization because they were so ineffective at controlling it in the first place.

How would legalizing marijuana stimulate the American economy?

Legalizing marijuan would help the economy in many ways. You would free up finite police resources to combat real crime. You would free up the court system to become more efficient. You would spend less on prisons and jails. You would have more taxpayers paying into the system because people would not be going to jail and would not lose their job. You would be able to collect a tax on the marijuana. There would be less healthcare costs as people were able to gain medical benefits. There would be less property destroyed and property seized which would save citizens money. There would be no more marijuana grown on government land because people would not have to fear their property being seized. Hemp could be use to replace unsustainable plastics. Hemp could be used as a valuable fuel. There are many more.... Can you think of any?

Could marijuana help the economy?

Yes, if marijuana sales were controlled and regulated by the US government and sold through the US Government our economy would reap the benefits of a harmless, earthly drug. Nonetheless this involves general intelligence from our government...

Could legalizing cocaine help those addicted too it?

I do not believe that there would be any benefit in legalizing the use of cocaine. Cocaine does not have any benefits, and it can cause many issues with your health and particularly your heart. If it is an issue in your family, you should seek help for those affected.

How much do tax payers spend on marijuana related crimes?

It is difficult to provide an exact figure, as it varies based on location and specific circumstances. However, enforcement of marijuana laws can be costly, with resources being allocated to arrests, prosecutions, and incarceration. Legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana can help reduce these costs for taxpayers.

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It has not been definitively proven, but a new treatment for ASPD does include the use of medical marijuana.

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