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Q: How would you compare and contrast osmosis and diffusion?
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osmosis is a form of diffusion. in regard to water, the diffusion type would be osmosis

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What impact does osmosis and diffusion have on life?

If osmosis and diffusion didn't exist then cells In things would be dry and shrink

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Diffusion and Osmosis.... I think. It would be better to double check ;)

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The answer depends on what you wish to compare and contrast it with.

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The moods of the speakers are different, and you would contrast them in a compare-and-contrast.

Are the moods of the speakers in Whitman's To a Stranger and Dickinson's If I knew you were coming in the fall the same or different and would you compare or contrast them in a compareand contrast?

The moods of the speakers are different, and you would contrast them in a compare-and-contrast.

What type of visual aid would you use to compare and contrast information?

You would use a pie chart to compare and contrast information.

Are diffusion and osmosis types active transport?

No. (Active xport would be in the opposite direction.)

What are metaphors for 'diffusion'?

Diffusion is the movement of a mineral or nutrient moving across the concentration gradient of a membrane. The closest word to diffusion would probobly be osmosis, which is the movement of water through a membrane.

Are the moods of the speakers in Whitman's To a Stranger and Dickinson's If you were coming in the fall the same or different and would you compare or contrast them in a compare and contra?

They are different and you would contrast them.

Is it osmosis or diffusion if you put an egg in vinegar?

If you put an egg in vinegar, then this process would be called osmosis because osmosis is the movement of solvent particles (in this vinegar), while diffusion is the movement of gas, solute and solvent particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.