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Beautiful, Angelic, helpful, thoughtful, compassionate, outstanding, and brave.

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4y ago

Helpful - she did charity work and helped people in need. Like children, the sick, the homeless, and disabled people.

Kind - even though she is a celebrity and all, she uses her celebrity status to help fight against AIDS and she banned land mines, which are bombs planted under ground on purpose and can hurt innocent people.

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Pretty and humble

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Q: How would you describe Princess Diana in adjectives?
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How do you present about Princess Diana with unique idea for urgent?

A unique idea for a presentation on Princess Diana would be to talk about what England and the world would have been like if Diana had never existed. Princess Diana passed away August 31, 1997.

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Adjectives describe things. I would describe a snail as slow or slimy.

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As of 9th of July 2014 Princess Diana would have been 53 years old. Her birthdate was on the 1st of July 1961.

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How old was Princess Diana in 1969?

Princess Diana was born in the summer of 1961. She died shortly after her 36th birthday in 1997. If she were still alive today she would be 49 this year.