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Someone whom has a little bit better understanding of topics that others. A personal opinion really. I like this one though because it doesn't deflate those that are not as 'smart' Intelligent

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14y ago

I think of intelligence as something that is fluid and is multi faceted . There are different kinds of intelligence. Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University has been working on the types of intelligence that people have and he has defined 9 types. He states our society only teaches and tests on two types so a lot of people are left out in the learning process. I think he has a point. I know with myself my intelligence lies in the arts, literature, and historical areas. In these areas I can look or be told information and know it in seconds, but if you place me in a math class I will struggle. When we are told that people who can't do math well can't go on to graduate work that is wrong, but this is said because, again, the society is only interested in math intelligence. We leave out or dismiss a lot of intelligence in our society so that leaves a lot of people feeling that they aren't as smart as others, but this is not true. We need people who think in new and divergent ways to meet the needs of the future and the only way we can meet those needs is to see that intelligence is something that spans a lot of areas and is fluid.

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