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think for yourself and your kids

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Q: How would you let your children attend a Wiz Khalifa concert?
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How would you use the word 'undoubtedly' in a sentence?

I will undoubtedly attend the next concert. Her presence will undoubtedly improve my appreciation of the concert.

Do Barack Obama's children attend Islamic schools?

No, they do not. Since the president is not a Muslim, it is unlikely that his children would attend a Muslim school. They actually attend a Quaker-owned private school, the Sidwell Friends School in Bethesda, Maryland.

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Yes, children attend primary, secondary and tertiary level schooling.

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I am a child and I am attending school in the developing world. I would think the children that do not attend school have good reasons for it. Also, they would like you to stop nagging them to attend school, because they've obviously got there mind set on being stupid for the rest of their lifes.

How many people attend mindless behavior concert?

Well it depend on were they are and how popular they are so I would say about 500,000 to 1,000,000,000 people and that's a fact Stay Mindless

What is a sentence with ingratitude?

My friend showed great ingratitude to my mother after she payed for our concert tickets; and I didn't appreciate it!

Is there an age limit for a lady gaga concert?

No. You must be over 18 to attend her concert. If you are under 18, and you want to see her concert, watch her concert performances on YouTube. The reason is that she swears in her concert, involves herself in sexual acts, and for some suggestive choreography. I hope this answer helps whoever asked this

How much would it cost to have wiz khalifa at your party?

your life

What is the easiest way to meet Justin Bieber?

i would say if you are desperate perhaps buy VIP tickets to his concert or attend premieres that is how i met him but i did not choose the easiest i would go for the first one. buy some tickets you will have a blast !!

How old is Rashad Khalifa?

Rashad Khalifa was born on November 19, 1935 and died on January 31, 1990. Rashad Khalifa would have been 54 years old at the time of death or 79 years old today.

How old do i have to be to go a Fall Out Boy concert?

It really depends. I don't know how old you are, but some states have rules about allowing an unaccompanied minor (a pre-teen generally, but sometimes even a young teenager) into a concert, especially where there might be drinking or drug use. But other states have no rules about admitting minors to rock concerts. Another factor is your parents-- would they allow you to attend a concert alone? Or would they be coming with you? Your best bet is to discuss the rules your parents have, and then call the venue and see if they have any age restrictions for young people who want to attend.

When is the next tobyMac concert?

You would have to check his website for concert updates.