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Just fine thanks to solar panels, windmills, and electric vehicles.

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Q: How would you manage without fossil fuels?
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What is the biggest impact from burning fossil fuels?

The biggest impact of burning fossil fuels is the modern lifestyle we live. Without the burning if fossil fuels we would have far less healthy lives, that would be much shorter and without heat, transportation, medicine or electricity or computers. Mortality rates would be massively higher.

How would fossil fuels change in the future?

The fossil fuels will become extinct in some years.There is no future of fossil fuels.That is why there is so much research going on the alternate fuels.

What are the good and bad of fossil fuels?

the good things are without coal and oil we would not be able to heat our homes

What is the main reason for burning fossil fuels?

We burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) mostly for generating electricity. Other reasons are transport and industry.A:We burn fossil fuels today because it is One of the few working methods we have of obtaining the energy we need to live. We depend on over half of the fossil fuel used to heat and power our buildings. Without the use of fossil fuels, we would be without transportation, most of our medicines, computers, clothes or food. Fossil fuels are the most basic building block of modern society and the reason for our existing lifespan and comforts we enjoy.

What would happen if there were no fossil fuels?

We will have to use renewable energy like solar, wind and geothermal power and continue to use nuclear power. We also must use electric or hydrogen cars because without fossil fuels we will not have gasoline.Life would be different.

When fossil fuels burn do they produce oxygen?

No, the flame needs the oxygen to burn. Without oxygen, the flame would go out.

How do fossils change the Earth's surface?

well im not very sure my self but it would have something to do with fossil fuels

Would fossil fuels work in Tennessee?


What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that can be burned to get energy. The Greenhouse Effect is, in part, the result of burning fossil fuels. In this example, fossil fuels would be a causative agent that creates an effect on the environment, specifically, the Earth's atmosphere.

What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

Why is waisting elecricity so bad?

Electricity is created using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels take many years to be made, sometimes more than a decade. If people keep wasting electricity we would soon run out of fossil fuels to create more energy which could kill us as we need warmth etc. to live. As fossil fuels take a while to come around,we could be stuck without energy/electricty for ages.

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.