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Tell them that just because something is natural, sdoesn't mean it's good! (Poisen Ivy anyone?) they are right and wrong.many species have gone simply because of the stupidity of humans,not by natural process.

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4mo ago

While extinction is a natural process, the current rate of biodiversity loss is largely accelerated by human activities such as habitat destruction and climate change. This loss of biodiversity can have significant negative impacts on ecosystem functioning and services that are vital for human well-being. Therefore, it is important to be concerned about the loss of biodiversity and work towards conservation efforts to preserve it.

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Q: How would you respond to someone who syas that because extinction is a natural process you should not worry about the loss of biodiversity?
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Extinction of a particular animal species occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world. The process of extinction is a natural part of evolution.

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The process you are describing is called habitat destruction or habitat loss. This occurs when natural habitats are altered or destroyed, leading to displacement or extinction of plant and animal species that rely on that habitat for survival. This often results in a decline in biodiversity as native species are unable to adapt or find new habitats.

This process is said to have taken place if every memeber of a species has died out?

The process you are referring to is known as extinction, which occurs when there are no living members of a species left on Earth. Extinction can be caused by various factors such as habitat destruction, climate change, hunting, or natural disasters. Once a species becomes extinct, it is gone forever.

Why are scientists concerned about specis loss if extinction is a natural process?

The extinction rate is much higher than it would be without humans, therefore most animals would have not gone extinct had it not been for human intervention.

Is erosion a natural process?

Yes, erosion in fact, IT IS a natural process because it happens around the world.

What is the of the process in which of species die out?


What is a increasing biodiversity?

Speciation and extinction increase biodiversity.

What excintion mean?

Extinction refers to the complete disappearance of a species from the Earth. This can happen due to natural factors or human activities, leading to the loss of genetic diversity and potentially disrupting ecosystems. Extinction is a natural part of the evolutionary process, but the current rate of extinctions is much higher than normal due to human impacts.

Because extinction is a natural process why should humans now be concerned with the extinction rate?

Because the extinction rate is conservatively 100 to 1,000 times higher because of humans. So if it wasn't for us the natural rate would be such that the environment could recover from it. It is true that we are a natural part of extinction, but we have also benefited many species of animal that we deem to have favourable characteristics. Cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry exist in huge numbers due to human activity. If an animal is not useful to humans, and is co-existing in the same habitat, its numbers will decline. Cuckoos invade the nests of other birds, substitute it's own eggs for the hosts, and lets them raise it's young. Is this wrong? Or is this nature at work? Humans are also nature at work, and we should only be concerned if a species benefiting us is in decline.

What was Alfred Wallace's other major motivation?

In addition to his interest in natural history, Alfred Wallace was motivated by a desire to explore and document the biodiversity of the natural world. He was also driven by a passion for understanding the process of evolution and the origin of species.

What does the statement Extinction is sometimes a natural process?

Well, sometimes things have to go so new things can grow. Or that there isn't a habitat available for the certain species and they have to move on.