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By attaching a resistance in parallel connection with the galvanometer. Or

when a low resistor connected in parallel with galvanometer ,the galvanometer is converted in ammeter. and the resistor is called shunt resistance.

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2mo ago

To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter, you need to connect a low resistance in parallel with the galvanometer. This low resistance is called a shunt resistor. By selecting the appropriate shunt resistor value, you can calibrate the galvanometer to accurately measure higher currents. The formula to calculate the shunt resistor value is Rs = G * (Imax/Ig - 1), where Rs is the shunt resistor value, G is the resistance of the galvanometer, Imax is the maximum current the ammeter will measure, and Ig is the full-scale current of the galvanometer.

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Moving coil galvanometer converted into a multi range ammeter?

To convert a moving coil galvanometer into a multi-range ammeter, you can add shunt resistors of different values in parallel to the galvanometer. By selecting the appropriate shunt resistor, you can change the range of the ammeter. This allows the ammeter to measure a wide range of currents while still using the sensitive galvanometer as the measuring element.

How do you convert a galvanometer to an ammeter?

To convert a galvanometer to an ammeter, you need to connect a shunt resistor in parallel with the galvanometer. The shunt resistor allows a portion of the current to bypass the galvanometer, ensuring that only a known fraction flows through it. The shunt resistor value can be calculated using the formula Rshunt = (G - 1) * Rg, where G is the desired full-scale deflection of the ammeter and Rg is the internal resistance of the galvanometer.

What is a galvanometer called when calibrated to read current?

A galvanometer calibrated to read current is called an ammeter. It is used to measure the flow of electric current in a circuit.

Why galvanometer is converted into ammeter?

A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by adding a low resistance called a shunt in parallel with the galvanometer coil. This shunt diverts most of the current around the galvanometer, allowing it to measure higher currents accurately. The shunt creates a parallel path with a known resistance, which scales the current to provide a direct reading on the ammeter.

A device that indicates the presence of an electric current is?

An ammeter is a device that indicates the presence of an electric current by measuring the flow of electric charges through a circuit.

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What are the readings for the experiment - to convert a galvanometer int ammeter?

A galvanometer is a type of ammeter an instrument for detecting and measuring electric current. A galvanometer can be converted into ammeter by connecting resistance in parallel with it.

How can you convert galvanometer into ammeter?

Since Galvanometer is a very sensitive instrument therefore it can't measure heavy currents. In order to convert a Galvanometer into an Ammeter, a very low resistance known as "shunt" resistance is connected in parallel to Galvanometer. Value of shunt is so adjusted that most of the current passes through the shunt. In this way a Galvanometer is converted into Ammeter and can measure heavy currents without fully deflected.

High resistance in parallel connected with galvanometer to form voltmeter?

That won't work. To convert an ammeter (a galvanometer is a very sensitive type of ammeter) you connect a high value resistor in series with it.

Moving coil galvanometer converted into a multi range ammeter?

To convert a moving coil galvanometer into a multi-range ammeter, you can add shunt resistors of different values in parallel to the galvanometer. By selecting the appropriate shunt resistor, you can change the range of the ammeter. This allows the ammeter to measure a wide range of currents while still using the sensitive galvanometer as the measuring element.

How do you convert a galvanometer to an ammeter?

To convert a galvanometer to an ammeter, you need to connect a shunt resistor in parallel with the galvanometer. The shunt resistor allows a portion of the current to bypass the galvanometer, ensuring that only a known fraction flows through it. The shunt resistor value can be calculated using the formula Rshunt = (G - 1) * Rg, where G is the desired full-scale deflection of the ammeter and Rg is the internal resistance of the galvanometer.

What is a galvanometer called when calibrated to read current?

A galvanometer calibrated to read current is called an ammeter. It is used to measure the flow of electric current in a circuit.

What kind of meter is created when is shunt is added to a galvanometer?

A galvanometer with a low resistance shunt in parallel makes an ammeter.

What instrument is used in a lab to measure electrical cureent?

Either an ammeter or a galvanometer is.

A moving coil galvanometer can be used as an ammeter by adding?

a series resistence with its coil

Name the instrument used to measure electric current?

A multimeter is commonly used to measure electric current. It can measure various electrical parameters like voltage, current, and resistance. The current is typically measured by connecting the multimeter in series with the circuit.

What quantity measures the galvonometer?

A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: An instrument for detecting and measuring electric current.

Why galvanometer is converted into ammeter?

A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by adding a low resistance called a shunt in parallel with the galvanometer coil. This shunt diverts most of the current around the galvanometer, allowing it to measure higher currents accurately. The shunt creates a parallel path with a known resistance, which scales the current to provide a direct reading on the ammeter.