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if their shell is smooth on the bottom they are a girl, but if it concaves in then it's a boy

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Q: How do you tell if a box turtle is a boy or girl by the tail?
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How does a box turtle act when she is pregnant?

The best way to tell if your box turtle is pregnant is by the way she acts. A pregnant box turtle will begin nesting and preparing for her eggs to be laid.

How do you tell if a boxturtle had some eggs?

how do you tell if a box turtle laid eggs

How do you know a girl turtle is a girl turtle?

If it is an aquatic turtle it is very difficult to tell without a side by side comparison. Aquatic female turtles have shorter claws and tails. Female land turtles have flat shell bottoms. Male box turtles have bright red eyes, curved bottoms to their shells and thin tails.

What family is the box turtle in?

The Box turtle Family is Emydidae

How much do box turtles eat in a year?

I can't tell you how much a Box Turtle would eat in a year, as appetite would vary for each turtle. However I can tell you they are carnivorous when young, and herbivores when adults. See Related link..

How do you tell how old box turtle are?

You count the rings on one of his circles on his back.

What happens when you put a snapping turtle with a box turtle and both are girls?

The snapping turtle will try to attack or kill the box turtle. Some times even eat the box turtle

What gender of box turtle gets pregnant?

A boy box turtle.

How do you tell a male ornate wood turtle from a female?

A male ornate box turtle can be easily distinguished from a female by it's red eyes, the female's being brown, it's plastron or bottom shell is curved inward, in order to be able to mount the female shell, and the male tail is longer and thicker than a female.

What is Turtle Tails?

"Turtle Tails" is a children's game that involves crawling around with a decorated box as a "shell". Players tape a paper "tail" to themselves that dangles from under the shell. The object is to use your hands and feet to detach the tails of other players. The last player with a tail is the winner.

When was Chinese box turtle created?

Chinese box turtle was created in 1863.

Why is your box turtle hiding?

Your box turtle is hiding because it is scare of something