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Evolution is based on thousands of facts and has nothing to do with any religion other than the fact that it contradicts many of them.

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Q: Human evolution based on Hindu religion?
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What religion was shiva based on?

Shiva is one of the major deities in the Hindu pantheon.

Is the Hindu religion paleolithic?

If you are seeking answer based on non-availability of evidence, it will be just 7500bce to 5500bce - there for the answer is no or not sure. But based on the books like cessation the answer is yes it is paleolithic religion.

What is the early Hindu religion called?

The early Hindu religion is known as Vedic religion or Vedic Hinduism. It originated in ancient India around 1500 BCE and was based on the early Vedic texts, known as the Vedas, which were considered sacred and authoritative scriptures.

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There is no difference between Hindu and Muslim women. The differences are based on how individuals were raised, educated etc. It has nothing to do with one's religion.

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No one can tell exactly when the concept of religion started. Although, based on evidence and history, we can choose to accept or not the Hindu god as the first god.

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The fact that sheep insulin can be substituted for human insulin is an example of evidence of evolution based on comparative biochemistry. Insulin is a peptide hormone.

What is the word pineapple in Hindi?

Hindu is a religion. The language is called Hindi.

What is a Hindu gentleman called?

As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion (i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhismor Sikhism). In common use today, it refers to an adherent of Hinduism. So 'a Hindu' would be more precise for the follower of Hinduism.

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Generally the term of the "Community "would be any College in exixtance where humanisim is the religion of choise as is evolution.

Based on the discoveries od Louis and Mary leakey where did human evolution occur?

Prior to the discoveries by Louis and Mary Leakey, human evolution was thought to have originated in Asia. The Leakey's finding at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania convinced that humans originally evolved in Africa.

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Language is regarded as an emergent phenomenon based on its evolution. Language is the main mode of communicating for the human race.

Why people of various countries follow Buddhadev although he was an Indian and a Hindu?

That can be credited to what Buddha said about life. His philosophy is more reasonable than many others that is why people accept it. Buddha was born a Hindu but his followers created a new religion based on his teachings.