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Danny Murguia

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Q: Hummingbirds drink nectar from flowers. As they pass from flower to flower the hummingbirds carry pollen aiding in pollination. What kind of relationship exists between the hummingbirds and the flower?
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What kind of relationship exists between the hummingbirds and the flower plants?

It is a mutual relationship. The flower needs the hummingbird to drink nectar and get a dusting with the flower's pollen, so ensuring there is cross-pollination as the bird moves from flower to flower.

How many chromosomes do Hummingbirds have?

The hummingbird has around 80 chromosomes. Hummingbirds need large amount of energy because they flap their wings between 60 and 70 times a minute.

What is the role of hummingbirds in pollination?

Bees take pollen from flowers and bring it back to their hive to make honey. In fact honey is not made out of pollen, the honey bees visit flowers in search of nectar produced by plants in their flowers inside the nectary glands. While sucking the nectar the bees smear anthers and pollen load is loaded on their legs. These pollen grains attached to their legs come in contact with the stigma of other flowers when the bees move from one flower to the other. Thus pollination is done by them for plants and in return of this service plants provide nectar to them.

Size of humming bird?

Baby hummingbirds are born the size of a plump raisin. They have no feathers. They have yellow straw-like strands down the middle of their back. If they are very young their short beak is yellow and turns to black as they get older. Their eyes are closed and their bodies are black.

What is the pulse rate of an humming bird?

At rest, the pulse is around 400 bpm. During flight it goes as high as 1200 bpm. This is averaged out between different kinds of hummingbirds.

Related questions

What kind of relationship exists between the hummingbirds and the flowering plant?

It is a mutual relationship. The flower needs the hummingbird to drink nectar and get a dusting with the flower's pollen, so ensuring there is cross-pollination as the bird moves from flower to flower.

What kind of relationship exists between the hummingbirds and the flower plants?

It is a mutual relationship. The flower needs the hummingbird to drink nectar and get a dusting with the flower's pollen, so ensuring there is cross-pollination as the bird moves from flower to flower.

What is the difference between penguins and hummingbirds?

Both are birds, however penguins fly in water while hummingbirds fly in air. Penguins live on fish while hummingbirds live on nectar.

What kind of relstionship exits between the hummingbirds and the flowering plants?

It is a mutual relationship. The flower needs the hummingbird to drink nectar and get a dusting with the flower's pollen, so ensuring there is cross-pollination as the bird moves from flower to flower.

How many chromosomes do Hummingbirds have?

The hummingbird has around 80 chromosomes. Hummingbirds need large amount of energy because they flap their wings between 60 and 70 times a minute.

How light are humming birds?

hummingbirds weigh between 2 and 20 grams (1 gram is about 1 paperclip)

Can gametes transfer pollen between flowers?

Pollen can be carried from flower to flower by several pollinating agents such as bees, wasps, flies, hummingbirds. Some plants self pollinate. Humans trying to create hybreds can pollinate with a Qtip.

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parasitism Pollination.

What is the relationship between The Acacia Ant and an Acacia tree?

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How much does humming bird poop weigh?

Since hummingbirds weigh between 2 and 30 grams their droppings can weigh between 28 milligrams and 416 milligrams.

What is the differences between hummingbird and ostrich?

its butt

What is the role of hummingbirds in pollination?

Bees take pollen from flowers and bring it back to their hive to make honey. In fact honey is not made out of pollen, the honey bees visit flowers in search of nectar produced by plants in their flowers inside the nectary glands. While sucking the nectar the bees smear anthers and pollen load is loaded on their legs. These pollen grains attached to their legs come in contact with the stigma of other flowers when the bees move from one flower to the other. Thus pollination is done by them for plants and in return of this service plants provide nectar to them.