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Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.

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Q: Im about 6 weeks pregnant is it normal to be leaking colostrum this early in pregnancy?
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Is it normal for colostrum to come in at 25 weeks?

It is normal to get colostrum at any point during pregnancy. Your body is getting ready to feed the baby. All of this is normal for your body.

When does a pregnant women secrete breast milk?

It varies based on your own body, we're all unique, but most of my friends started lactating in their third month of pregnancy. My sister didn't lactate until she was seven or eight months pregnant.

Is it normal to leak breastmilk at 32 weeks pregnant?

Yes. However your breasts are leaking Colostrum or pre-milk and not breastmilk. Breastmilk doesn't arrive until a day or two after the baby is born.

How soon should breast milk begin to leak if you are pregnant?

All women are different. I didn't leak until after I started nursing. But I know women that had to wear breast pads during pregnancy. It's hard to say. I'm not sure what the "normal" time frame is every woman is different. And there it is hard to tell what is "normal" when it comes to pregnancy. I am 27 weeks pregnant and i have been leaking here and there for two weeks. To be honest, I am almost 8 months pregnant and I noticed that I began leaking as early as 5 months. Your milk won't come in until a few days after you have the baby, but your body begins producing colostrum at about 4 months. Some women can leak colostrum, or pre-milk, as early as that time, or some may not begin to leak until after they have the baby.

I am almost eight months pregnant should I be worried that my breasts aren't producing milk?

Although most women experience some colostrum earlier in their pregnancy, it is also normal to get colostrum later. It just depends on your body. I would not worry unless you have no milk after baby is born. You may even have colostrum now, but it just needs to be expressed. Sometimes, it is hard for the colostrum to let down.

Are you about to go into labor if you are leaking breast milk at 7 months pregnant and just went through false labor?

Many women start leaking colustrum during pregnancy, which is normal and does not mean you are going into labor.

Is it normal to have secretion from your breasts as early as 2 or 3 months pregnancy?

Yes I would say that it is normal because with my second pregnancy I found out that I was 10 weeks pregnant because of my nipples leaking white fluid which seemed like milk...I wasnt aware that I could have that symptom but its possible..I took a pregnancy test as soon as I noticed the leakage and I was pregnant.

Does every woman leak colostrum during pregnancy?

No, not every woman leaks colostrum during pregnancy. Some women do, some do not. It is different with each pregnancy as well. A woman might leak during her first pregnancy and not her second or she might leak during every pregnancy or never during any pregnancy. Either way is NORMAL.

You are 18 weeks pregnant and you have an 18 month old son as well so this is not your first pregnancy is it normal that your breasts are VERY slowly leaking a clearish liquid?


You are 31 weeks pregnant and have just started leaking colostrum and blood is leaking from your breast is this normal?

Many women leak colostrum (the first milk) at some time during pregnancy. It can be just a drop or enough that you need breast pads to keep from soaking your clothes. For some women, this starts quite early and for others it doesn't start until just before labor. Some women never experience leaking breasts and this has absolutely no effect on later ability to nurse. If one breast leaks more than the other, that breast may produce a bit more milk, but generally both breasts will produce enough. (Assuming you haven't had surgery and the breasts are not radically different sizes.) Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers: * Leaking is normal. I started leaking colostrum when I was 12 weeks pregnant and it started being laced with milk at 30 weeks. I went 40 weeks 5 days. The leaking was so bad then that I'd soak breast pads, but now that he's out and I'm nursing they hardly ever leak anymore, he keeps 'em drained. * It is very normal. I have had 2 children and with both of them I started leaking breast milk around 5 months so there is nothing to worry about. Just stock up on nipple pads, because it sounds like you are going to be a milk factory like I was. * It's normal for me. I leaked a LOT of breast milk during my 8th month with my daughter, enough so that it would spray at times. Now I'm pregnant again, almost 5 years later and the leaking started even earlier, around the 4th month, and now into my 6th month, it sprays. Oh, if I lean on a breast, I soak my clothing, too. It can be inconvenient and embarrassing, but mostly it thrills me to know my baby's growing and on the way. 28 weeks and counting.

Would it be normal if you can squeeze clear fluid from your breasts?

In a pregnant woman that is usually what is called "colostrum" which is the fluid produced by the mammary glands before the milk comes in to nurse your baby with. This occurs late in pregnancy. It is perfectly normal and is filled with vitamins and anti-bodies for newborns.

Your breasts started leaking colostrum a week ago 8 months after giving up breast feeding Could this be a sign of pregnancy or can milk just return at any time after breast feeding?

My breast leaked over a year after I had my children.My doctor said it was normal.