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hello i am six weeks pregnant and noticed some slight pink spotting a few days ago. i was extremley worried as i had a misscarridge a few months ago. Went for a scan on monday and evertything was fine saw the heart beat and everything. The nurse said that the bleeding was due to a blood clot which was cauesed afer impantation and this is extremley normal and told me i should expect to pass brown or pink discharge for the next few days. She said the only time for a lot of concern is if the blood is bright red as it is fresh, but still does not mean you will miscarry. Just get yourself to the docs if you are really worried and im sure they will book you in for a scan. Hope this helps hello i am six weeks pregnant and noticed some slight pink spotting a few days ago. i was extremley worried as i had a misscarridge a few months ago. Went for a scan on monday and evertything was fine saw the heart beat and everything. The nurse said that the bleeding was due to a blood clot which was cauesed afer impantation and this is extremley normal and told me i should expect to pass brown or pink discharge for the next few days. She said the only time for a lot of concern is if the blood is bright red as it is fresh, but still does not mean you will miscarry. Just get yourself to the docs if you are really worried and im sure they will book you in for a scan. Hope this helps

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15y ago

It is probably something minor, but you should still see a doctor. This should help you.

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